"It's okay Tamaki, but that's why I wear this hat, I try to make sure no one knows about it, but someone always finds out and makes a big deal about it." He sighs sitting down. Haruhi puts a hand on his head, with a tiny smile. "Haruhi was the first to ever be nice to me and not call me names, so I treasure her. But I'm glad you guys don't think that." He smiles, unknown to all Kyoya has a tiny blush. Tamaki stands.

"Well it's settled, you must join the host club." Y/N tilts his head in confusion. "Awe, so cute, please join, I'll make sure no one bullies you here." Y/N thinks about it, then smiles.

"Sure, if that means I get to hang out with Haru, then I'll join." The host cheer. He feels someone touch his tail, he wraps it around the hand. "What cha doing, Tamaki."

"I'm just fascinated about how you have a tail and ears like a cat." He smiles while blushing.

"Well, I was born with them." He nods, smiling like an idiot hugging Y/N.

"Oh, you are so cute, my little kitten." Y/N laughs, his tail wagging. "Oh, look at your tail, he's happy." Tamaki squeezes Y/N then let's go.

"Tamaki-senpai you really like Y/N, huh." Tamaki blushes.

"Well he's cute, but I don't like him in that way." Haruhi laughs.

"Well, I didn't mean in that way, I meant as a friend." Tamaki blushes in embarrassment, hiding his face in his hands.

"It's fine Tama." Tamaki rises his head, then cries.

"Ah, did you guys hear that, he gave me a nickname, so cute." Everyone laughs at him.

"So when does the host club open up." Everyone smiles.

"In a minute." Y/N gets excited.

"Well how should I behave to be a good host." Tamaki hugs him rubbing his cheek on his.

"Oh you cutie, just be yourself, and girls will just want you." Y/N and Haruhi sweatdrop.

"Just be flirty and kind with them." Haruhi says to Y/N as Tamaki still hugs him. The doors open and many girls walk in.

"Oh the host club has a new host."

"He has a tail and cat ears."

"He's so cute." Girls surround Y/N making him a little nervous, he breathes, then grabs the first girl he sees.

"Well, well, what do we have here, and here I thought I was the only kitten in this school." The girl blushes and faints in his arms, her friends carry her away. He gives them all smiles and they all blush and squeal. "Ladies, how may I be of service to you all." He winks at them.

"Ahhhhhhhh. He's so cute." The other hosts stand a little ways away.

"Looks like he's a natural just like Haruhi." Kyoya says with a hint of envy.

"Yeah, well he was always a flirt, but he could make anyone swoon for him."

"Ah, Y/N, papa is so happy for his kitten." Tamaki hugs Y/N. He smiles and laughs.

"Tama, stop it, you're being silly." Haruhi walks over to Y/N and sighs.

"Y/N he says he's the dad and Kyoya is the mom of the club for some reason." Y/N laughs.

"Okay, I'll play along, papa please let me go." Tamaki and the girls all blush and squeal more. Everyone finds a seat and the club goes how it always does. Y/N sits at a table close to Haruhi with a few girls. "So how are the most beautiful woman doing today." He says giving a wink. They squeal and blush holding each other.

"We're doing fine, thank you." He smiles.

"How are you doing today, Y/N was it." He nods.

"I'm doing a lot better, now that I'm in the presence of beauties like you." They blush.

"Um, I was wondering, are they real." One girl asks nervously, pointing to his ears and tail.

"Why yes they are, would you like to feel them, princess." They nod. "Go ahead, I won't bite, unless you ask." They squeal and feel his ears and tail.

"They're so soft."

"Ahh, they are."

"We would love to request you tomorrow if possible." Y/N flashes a smile.

"I would love to see you again my beauties." After a few hours the girls leave. Y/N sighs sitting on the couch. "Gosh that was exhausting, I don't know how you guys do it." They smile at Y/N.

"You did very well for your first day." Y/N smiles at Kyoya.

"Thanks." He stretches, Tamaki sits next to Y/N holding his arm.

"Awe my baby is amazing." Y/N laughs.

"You're silly Tama." He pats his head. Haruhi sits on the other side of him, sighing.

"Y/N I'm sorry I dragged you into this."

"Why, I'm having fun." Haruhi is surprised.

"Really." He nods.

"What has happened before I came." Haruhi blushes.

"Well, Tamaki walked in one time I was getting undressed." Y/N had a deadly aura around him and looked at Tamaki, he ran and hid behind Kyoya.

"It was an accident, it was before I knew she was a girl." Y/N turns to her, she nods and he calms down. Tamaki sighs.

"Okay anything else." Honey hops on Y/N's lap.

"Haru-chan had her first kiss with a girl." Y/N laughs as Haruhi blushes.

"Man, I wish I was there to see your face." She punches his arm.

"Not funny." He hugs her.

"I still love you Haru." She smiles hugging back.

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too." Honey looks at Y/N with puppy dog eyes.

"I love you Honey." He hugs Honey, as he gets happy, the other hosts stand in front of him, he laughs. "I love you guys too, even if we just met, I feel like you're family to me." They smile getting into a group hug. They all knew they were going to get along fine, one maybe more than others.

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