[41] getting an invitation.

Start from the beginning

We catch up all afternoon until Alec began to wail. "What did I do?" I asked alarmed. "He just took a poo" Ari laughs. "Oh" I say handing the baby back to her. "I'll be back" I smiled brushing her fingers through my hair. "Sorry" she pulls her hand back. "It's okay" I say. Ari softly smiled as she takes Alec to the restroom as I was on Apryl duty. "Cute baby" someone says. "Thanks, it isn't mine, it's my friends" I tell her. "Your girlfriend?" the elderly lady smirked. "No, ma'am just my best friend" I say looking at Ariana. "Oh" she says with a polite smile. "Hey" Ari says. "Hey, how was the changing?" I asked as I paid the bill. "Okay" she laughs. "Doesn't get easier does it?" I asked. "Not really, but I'm getting better at it so is Colby" Ari tells me. "Really? I can't see Colby changing a diaper" I laughed getting up. "He's a natural" my best friend told me picking up the carriers. "Here, let me" I say holding out my hand. "Thanks" she smiled handing me Alec's carrier. "No problem" I say.

We walked around. The thing about our friendship is that we always bounce back to our ways. We joke with each other and just have a good time with each other. It's something I needed, to cleanse myself from my heartbreak. "I'm sorry that happen to you" Ariana says sadly. I look at her. "It's not your fault, Ana" I nudged her. She laughs. "I know, you don't deserve heartbreak" Ana softly smiled. I shrugged. I know she's right; I don't deserve heartbreak. I need someone who I can see in the future or I guess I was meant to be alone, for good.


We were at my house and Kobe went wild. "Hey, Kobe" Ariana smiled setting down Apryl. My furry son sniffed the babies and barked happily. "Shhh, Kobe" I say. "Don't worry, they are heavy sleepers we realized" she laughs. "Yeah, wow" I say. I help taking out Ari's kids. "I think they are hungry" Ariana says as Apryl begins to stir awake. "You can do it in the bathroom, if you want" I say. "That's okay, can I do it in your bedroom? Just to get comfortable" Ari asked. "Sure, yeah that's fine" I said carrying Alec to my bedroom and Ari follows. "Thanks" Ariana smiled. "Of course, anything for you" I smiled setting up my bed for her to be comfortable. "Take your time, Ana" I say. "Can you, um stay? To keep me company" her face flushes. "Sure, yeah" I say sitting on the bed. It's not like I've seen her nude, fuck her tits were bigger than normal and they looked so sensitive. I shake away my thoughts. We talked while she fed the kids. I felt like they were my kids and she was going to be my wife. I can see her in my future. It sucks that she didn't fall in love with me first. It sucks that she was in love with me too while dating Colby. It sucks that she isn't mine, sure we fooled around and had a fling on the side but fuck it's messing with my head.

After she fed Alec and Apryl we watched TV. It was so nice, just to have her near me again. I love how she laughs at something stupid. I love how she checks on her kids whom was laying on their stomachs playing with Kobe. Well, Kobe was sniffing them and licking them making them laugh. My eyes were transfixed on this gorgeous girl that I once called her mine for a short period of time, I forgot how much I love her; loved her now she's going to be married to my best friend and I kind of hate it if I'm being perfectly honest.

She goes home and I'm alone again. "Well, Kobe I guess we are meant to be alone" I tell him sadly as he follows me into the bedroom where I noticed there was a letter laying on my bed. My name was written in beautiful cursive.


There are so many things I want to say to you but I can't, I didn't want to say it in person because I was nervous. Okay, so here it is my feelings for you just sprayed out on paper. So, here I go. When I first met you, I was intrigued by you, like really, really intrigued. Remember the first party I went to at the Trap House? You were with Colby and I think someone else but I can't remember whom. But you were glowing underneath the lights. You were smiling that beautiful smile of yours. We made eye contact and I swear you would come up to me and talk to me but you didn't. I liked you, really liked you before I liked Colby. I only saw Colby as a friend. I was in love with you first and a small portion of me is STILL in love with you and I can't shake it. You'll never forget your first love, Brennen. Everyone thinks it was Cole but it wasn't, it was you. I love you, Brennen so much. I still think about you, sometimes. When we were alone in Tokyo, when we were in that motel room. I didn't want to leave, I wanted to stay there forever. We had sex, it was hungry and passionate. It was like in a dream but I wasn't; it was reality.

Brennen, I'm sorry that I played with your heart for so fucking long. I'm sorry that I always ran to you when me and Cole got into fights and for letting you kiss me, I didn't want to stop you because it felt right, you know? Being with you, being in your bed, being in your arms, having your lips on mine, your body on top of mine. It was heaven, short lived but heaven nevertheless. I'm writing to you because I'm scared of rejection. I'm scared because if I say these three little words, I might regret them so here are the three little words I wanted to say for so fucking long...

I love you, Brennen Taylor. I always will.

Yours truly,


Truth or Dare? // c.b (✔︎)Where stories live. Discover now