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"Huh?" Mainac got up, looking at his brother blankly. 

In Sonic's mind it sounded like genius but once he began forming the words of what he had in mind, he started to sound crazy. So he decided to use the 'ol tactic of Show Don't Tell.

"Did we ever throw Sonia's old dresses out?" Sonic asked. After Sonia moved out when she got married, she left some things behind. The two throwed almost everything out but Sonic had a distict memory he didn't throw out the dresses or the make-up she left behind thinking he could sell them for a quick buck. He hoped Mainac didn't get to it before him. 

"Uh.. i don't think so they might still be in her old room." Maniac answered. Knowing his brother he knew he had something in mind so he added: "what are you gonna do?" 

"Just follow me and you'll see." The blue hedgehog giggled and got up as Mainac followed.

The two boys entered Sonia's old room, it was empty for the most part the only thing in there was a drawer and her wardrobe holding the most important things Sonic needed.  Sonic hoped to make the place into a guest room in the future but they never really had time or many money so the two never came across the project. 

Sonic opened the wardrobe, only three dressed stood: a pink, purple, and light blue one. The pink one was more of a two piece, the shirt it came with was a white and pink crop top with the words 'all star' in blue and red letters, the shirt was just pink with two red bows on the side. It was so girly and so slutty Sonic chuckled at such a sight, he took it in his hands by the hook it was displayed on and Mainac finally caught up to what his older brother had in mind. 

"You're gonna wear that, go to the bar and catfish some drinkers?!" Was what the green hedgehog thought his brother would do, it was exactly what Sonic had in mind so he nodded making him laugh. "Are you serious?!" 

"I've never been more serious in my life bro. Hold this." The blue hedgehog gave the outfit to his brother's waiting hands as he made his way to the drawer. Opening it he found a palette of eyeshadow and a brush that came with it, a stick of pink lipstick, black eye liner and masacara to make his lashes stand out. 

Taking all that in his arms he grabbed the outfit in his free hand and walked off to the bathroom, hearing his brother's giggles lifted up his spirts. 


Sonic looked in the mirror holding onto the sink for support, the reflection that looked back looked almost unrecognizable even to himself. 

After Sonic applied all the make-up, threw off his clothes and put on the crop top and skirt, he looked.. different. Not like himself at all almost like a girl and he was proud  of that. He knew all those hours of ironically watching James Charles would come in handy one day.

He opened the door where his brother was waiting, upon looking at him his jaw dropped in suprise. 

"What do you think?" Sonic laughed, he striked a pose perking his ass and making a smoochy face and Mainac joined him laughing as well.

"You look great Sonic, like a total lady." 

"My name is not Sonic," Sonic said making his voice high pitched. "From now on, call me Sonette." 

"Okay Sonette." The younger giggled at the ridiculous name and getup.

"Take me to the bar you lovely gentleman you." 

"Why Certainty m'lady, i'd do anything to make you smile." Mainac said taking a bow.


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