"That tickles!"

"You're such a moron," I shake my head, smiling.

"Feel better?"

"Very," I nod, hugging him around the waist one last time before climbing off the table and leaving the room, Cloud close behind.

Cid watches us cross the room, shaking his head and directing his attention elsewhere. I frown, confused. What? Cloud smirks at me.

"What? Why is everyone giving me that weird look?"

"Nice mouth, pink lips," he chuckles.

I roll my eyes. "You're worse cuz you're so pale." Then I turn back to the people in the cockpit. "People kiss, okay?!" Cid cracks up and Tifa gives me a wondering look.

"Guys, I can believe I'm saying this, but it's time for bed," Barret smirks.

"I agree," Cloud yawns. "We've almost been up for three days straight. I'm exhausted."

"Cmon," I take his hand and pull him toward the bunk room. Then I snatch all the blankets off everyone's beds and pile them up on ours, laying them flat. We hurry and scoot under the top one, not having time to snuggling up before the others file into the room. Barret's the first to notice that something's up.

"Where do all the blankets go?"

"I dunno. Those two have theirs," Cait Sith trails off.

"But they're already asleep," Red frowns. I almost burst out laughing, but manage to keep my amusement at bay.

"Oh well," Cid sighs. They all shrug and climb into bed. Someone flicks the lights off and the room is swallowed into darkness. Wait, did we just leave Vince on the clinic floor? Such good friends... An arm lazily drapes around me, pulling me toward Cloud's warm body. My hands fold shut against his chest and my head snuggles into his collar bone.

"I love you." He mumbles barely audibly by my ear. I brush my lips softly over his, not enough pressure to really call it a kiss. My actions speak in place of my words and I let my eyelids drop, hoping that images of him and not Vincent would be what I dream of tonight.


"To Mount Nibel!" Cloud cheers boredly as Cid gets the ship moving. The pilot rolls his eyes.

"I can tell you slept well wit our bedding last night."

"Hey, you gotta do, whatchya gotta do," I shrug, smirking proudly.

"Yeah, well." He rolls his eyes. "Anyway, who's going with you two?"

"Tifa," I shrug. "She went last time, so she'll probably know her way around a little bit."

"Oh joy, I get to go back," she groans.

"The good thing is that the Shera can fly right over those dang mountains," Cid says cheerfully. "That way there's no hiking involved."

"That's the one good thing about this thing," Barret scoffs.

"Here we are," Red says minutes later, shaking his orange mane out of his face. I check to make sure my knives and shuriken are all there before waving to the Avalanche crew.


"Since when does she speak Spanish?" Barret frowns.

"That's Italian, you moron," Cloud calls back, following my and Tifa down the ladder. Last time we were here, it was to save Cloud from probable insanity from whatever Sephiroth put him through. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd lost it and we'd have to had put him in an asylum.

"Ready?" He breathes by my ear, drawing his sword. I nod and follow him inside. Tifa observes the materia in her slots as we walk, looking genuinely interested in the glowing magic balls.

The door closes behind us too softly to hear and we creep down the hallway, coming to a division.

"Which way?" Tifa whispers.

"Forward?" I shrug.

"No, the cells were to the right," Cloud shakes his head and leads the way, which surely enough leads to the cell with our kids and Cloud's dad inside. Both the twins are asleep, but Skyler looks up when he heats us approaching, his eye widening with surprise. "Shh," Cloud hushes him and stops him from saying anything. He nods and stands up, starting towards the kids.

"I've got them," I whisper before entering the cell and gently picking up Kara, handing her to Tifa. Then I get Mikey. There, now you don't have to worry, Cloud.

Making sure that I leave last so that Cloud doesn't do something like lock his dad back in, I follow everyone else silently, my eyes looking everywhere to search the shadows. Almost too easily, we make it outside. Kara is already awake when we make I to the large flat ridge about a hundred yards away from the Shera. I set Mikey to his feet and hold him tightly. It's only been three days, but for him to have been in a cell that belonged to my worst enemy, a horrible murderous man. He yawns and hugs me back tiredly.


"Hey Mikey," I smile, laughing when he jumps up and down excitedly.

"Mama! You got us from bad guy. He was in my room." My heart flutters but I ignore it.

"You're okay now, he won't get you ever again, okay?"


"Good boy, now..."

"Yuffie!" A voice yells, making me look up. I see the troops before I see the person the voice belonged to. And I run, holding onto my child's hand. There are days now that I wish I never ran, that I picked him up and walked as fast as I could to the ship. I wish I could change my reaction, my stupid fleeing that hurt us more than saved us. I wish I could change it all.

Barret guns down the troops from the deck of the ship, most of the small group already dead from the rest of Avalanche that dropped to help. Michael stumbles after me, wheezing and trying to get a breath. No, not now... He's gonna have to wait until we get on board. Still his little legs keep moving, pattering against the hard ground. When everyone is down, I slow my run to a walk, turning my attention to my wheezing son, how see!s to at least be catching his breath.

"You okay?" Cid asks, watching Mikey toddle away towards Barret, who's back is to him.

"Yeah, I think I..."

It all happens too fast. One of the dead soldiers moves, gun in hand. A gun shot rings through the canyons. I'm screaming one moment and running for him the next. No no no! Cmon... I can't lose you after everything! The bullet hole straight through his chest leaves me sobbing, holding my only light boy in my arms, his blood trickling down my arms, but I don't care. How could I be so careless? How could I be so stupid? Someone lays a hand on my shoulder and I don't even have to look to see who the only person brave enough to touch me is. Gasping for air between my sobs, I force myself to stand. And then I'm running, sprinting past arms that try to hold me back. Running from the hurt. Running from the hate. Running from reality. Forever I'm running.








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