28: Monday

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As if it was an omen from the god's, Yoongi was sitting out on his balcony the very next morning. Jimin smiled as he fixed his hair and stepped outside. He quietly shuffled to his chair and sat down, putting his cup of coffee in between his thighs as he waited for it to cool down. 

"Good morning," Yoongi said softly with a large yawn afterwards. 

Jimin looked over at him, "Good morning."

"How was game night on Saturday?"

"If I'm being honest it was kinda boring."

"Oh," Yoongi looked over at Jimin, "Why's that?"

"Because you weren't there. You've really become a necessity to our group," Jimin smiled. 

Yoongi smiled back, "Good to know."

They fell into a silence as the sun rose up in front of them. This activity, this tradition, that the two had every morning made Jimin happy. It had become so much easier for him to wake up in the morning just because he got to look forward to sharing the sun rise with a friend. Jimin was alone for most of his life because he was too scared to socialize. Until he'd met Taehyung, but even then he'd never been the outgoing type. Which caused him to isolate himself a lot without meaning to.  

"I've been meaning to go and see the live action version of Lion King lately, but I don't want to go alone," Yoongi said, "So would you be as kind as to accompany me to the movies tonight?"

Jimin nodded, "You don't have to work late again?"

"No they're giving me a bit of a break so I'm going to enjoy it while I can."

"Then I'd be happy to go," Jimin smiled yet again. Yoongi just had that effect on him.

"Cool, I'll look up the time and then text it to you along with what time I'll pick you up."

"Why do you always say 'pick up'? We live right next to each other."

"Are you making fun of me, Jimin?"


"I think you are," Yoongi fake pouted.

"Shut up you big wuss," Jimin rolled his eyes.


After the movie was over Jimin and Yoongi decided to go walk around the mall since it was right next to the theater. They talked about random things, made weird jokes and overall had fun. Jimin was in absolute heaven. Jungkook had never made him have the butterflies that Yoongi did. 

"Hey, look. There's a piano," Jimin said as he pointed to the grand piano situated in the center of a main hallway. He automatically went to it and sat on the bench. Yoongi sat next to him and since the bench was small it caused their thighs to touch. Which made Jimin internally freak out like a school girl.

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