Chapter 8

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2 days, 4 hours, and 28 minutes. That's how long Loki has been trapped down in this mysterious passageway, and could also be interpreted as how long it's been since he's seen his brother.

Thor was, by now, most definitely searching for the young god. He had been admiring the strange beauty of the passageway during his time here.

As long as Xhosa hasn't torn his brother apart by now, all is well. Decently, at most.

Based on the cracks forming in the old-looking walls and the torches looking recently lit, Loki could only guess this was built quite a while ago.

"Humans really have achieved a lot in architecture..." He thought to himself.

Loki continued to make his way down the passageway until he finally reached the end. Two doors lined each side of him, which he guessed meant he had to choose.

Carefully, he used his sorcery to peer behind each door without having to opening them.

He realized, behind the first door, awaits a large snake, fangs already opened with the drip of venom. Definitely wasn't going through that one.

The second was strange. Behind it lay a low mist, with no living being in sight.

The third door seemed the right choice, though he was being wary, wanting to confirm first.

The last door-well, you don't really want to know. He instantly pulled back, trying to erase whatever he saw from his mind.

Third door it is.

Cautiously, Loki gripped the chilled handle of the seemingly safest doorway. When he pulled it open, a flash of white light appeared before his eyes, and he was swallowed into darkness.


Thor had awoken from his nap. He was traveling for 2 days in search of his brother.

He had walked into a forest. The leaves and twigs crunched beneath his heavy feet as he made his way through.

The Thunder God got to his feet and began walking once more. He hoped all was well for his brother. Luckily, he knew Loki had his sorcery to help guide and heal him incase of any...inconveniences. 

As the forest was dimly lit, Thor had little trouble navigating through it. Though there was one problem.

Where would he even start looking?

He supposed he had already begun, though most likely Loki was underground.

It was a large area to check, but unless he could build a however long ladder to put down that hole, he had to search everywhere he thought would lead to his younger brother's location.


Loki slowly opened his eyes. Though, what he saw was not what he was expecting. A man was standing over him with some sort of electronic tablet device.

With that, his eyes flew open the rest of the way as he pushed himself into a sitting position.

"Who are you?" He asked, clearly taking the man by a bit of surprise.

The man chuckled slightly and turned to face the young god. The scars covering his face signaled he has been in many battles or such.

"It appears you have fell unintentionally into our caverns," the man said, though Loki became confused on the word 'our.'

"What do you mean, 'our?'" Loki had to ask.

As if on cue, multiple, about 5 or 6 figures, stepped out of the looming shadows.

Hoods covered their faces, as if to hide their identities, though Loki didn't really pay that much mind.

What was confusing, was that he felt tremendous pain throughout his rather thin body. Surely, he couldn't have done anything, rather than falling, to cause his body to throb this much.

Besides, the fall wasn't too great, at least, though it caused him to injure himself. He could easily just heal himself up again, but the man stopped him.

"I know of your powers. You are a god. You are not permitted to use them to heal yourself."

Loki was bewildered and completely stunned at this.

"You can not tell a god what they can and can't do. I am much capable of killing all of you in an instant, and shall not hesitate to do so," He warned, raising a hand in defense.

Suddenly, the man raised a remote, and with the press of the button, Loki was sent slamming into the metal table, and gods did that hurt.

His fragile frame shook wildly with the jolting, and he silently pleaded for them to stop.

After moments of excruciating and never-ending pain, Loki's exhausted form came to a stand-still, with after-shock twitching.

His breathing got heavier, from all the energy stolen from his body in that moment.

"Still...I will...manage to find a way to...kill you," Loki managed to breathe out in clear exhaustion.

The man chuckled, "Good luck with that." He nodded to the other people standing in the room, who nodded back in agreement.

Loki just hoped his brother was looking for him.

He couldn't hold up like this for long..

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