Chapter 9

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Thor gripped the last rock of the jagged cliff until he finally reached the top. He grunted with tremendous effort as he finally pulled himself onto the grass above.

Turning around, he overlooked the trees and land below him, and spied the city that seemed relatively closer. Strange.

Loki definitely wouldn't be up here, but he had to look for some hint of an entrance.

The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon, spreading the familiar relief of daylight over the earth.

The God of Thunder sighed in exhaustion.

"Loki?!" He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled into the empty distance.

Obviously he knew the young god would not respond, but he attempted anyway.

After receiving the expected silence, Thor decided to keep walking, hoping, and praying that his brother was okay.


Loki felt immense pain shoot through his frail form once more after the remark he had just made regarding a rude comment about Thor.

Once the pain came to a stand-still once again, the man waved off the other 5 companions.

"Leave me alone to deal with this, man."

Loki swallowed with great difficulty, his gaze drifting up to the muscular and large man before him. If he screwed anything up too badly he knew it wouldn't end pleasantly.

The deathly cold stare seeming to emit from the man's eyes was piercing. Loki avoided his gaze, but spoke up.

"What are you going to do to me?"

At that, the man chuckled, before responding with a dark and menacing tone. "Nothing. Let you starve, but if you even think about using your pitiful sorcery, you'll pay the price."

Loki swallowed hard at the threat.

The man stalked off, likely after his companions, leaving the young god alone in the dark room that he had yet to take in.

The table he had been laid down upon was a feeling of cold metal. It was severely uncomfortable, and his arms had been restrained to the sides to prevent escape, though his legs remained free.

The restraint locking his arms in place was digging into his skin, leaving bloodied marks.

Loki shifted uncomfortably, attempting to get into a better position, but just the restraints on his wrists were keeping him from succeeding.

He heard an object drop to the floor with a decently loud shatter. Instantly, he knew it was glass, and that they would think that it was him.

Just like he thought, the familiar sound of footsteps pounding quickly on the ground echoed throughout the narrow hall just east of where he laid.

Loki held his breath, his eyes drifting to that particular spot, awaiting for the man and his companions to return and punish him with extreme consequences. He was correct.

The man came storming in first, though instead of pulling out the remote to electrocute the young god, he took out a knife. Loki's breath hitched at the sight in mild fear.

The young god of Mischief felt horrible pain in his leg, then watched as the man seemed to order the figures something before marching back into the shadows.

A groan escaped Loki's lips. He wanted his brother to be here. To rescue him. To say everything is okay and assure him that these men will never get him again...If Thor was surely and desperately looking for him, that was almost good enough...

Thor inhaled sharply as he finished the last step down the large mountain and onto stable and flat ground. The whole 4 hour journey had made him exhausted, and he required rest.

Finding a nearby tree to sit under, he walked over and sat down, getting swallowed up in his head as soon as he made contact against the rough bark of the tall oak.

The moon was just beginning to shine, it's bright expanse of light shimmering down and reflecting across everything it touched.

Despite this, dark and menacing thoughts took hold of Thor, even if it has been a while since the Statesman attack. Man, that scarred him for life.

Though, he let the moon take him into a deep slumber, where a nightmare overtook him. Though this didn't happen, Thor was still overwhelmed and it seemed real.

"I Loki, Prince of Asgard.....Odinson.." The young god looked at Thor while he spoke.

"The rightful king of joutenheim, God of Mischief...."

A dagger appears in Loki's hand secretly.

"Pledge to you"

Loki took in a deep breath and lunged toward Thanos, though he used the newly acquired space stone to stop it.

"Undying?" Thanos asked with a chuckle.

"You should choose your words more carefully."

Thanos grabbed Loki's arm, Thor watching helplessly as Thanos grabbed Loki by the neck and lifted him into the air.

Thor watched and listened as Loki's limbs kicked frantically and he sputtered, all the breath being squeezed from him.

The young god eventually stilled, his eyes reddening and blood dripping down his nose as he spoke his final words.

"You...will a...god.."

Thor heard the horrific snap, and then Loki's body was thrown in front of him, lifeless.

Thor woke up with sweat barreling down his pale face.

Glancing around, he saw that Loki remained out of his sight and gods knows where.

Thor took in a shaky breath and stood up. Despite it being the middle of the night, he continued onward, until he came to a metal door that seemed to lead underground.

Swallowing hard, Thor gripped the cold handle and opened it, and looked down into the pitch blackness that awaited him.

Miracles Do Happenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें