Chapter. 10

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Thor was halfway down the dark stairs. He was incapable of complete visibility.

The steps were unstable, creaking and shuddering under his weight as if about to collapse.

Thor wondered how long these stairs went down...

With each step he took, his nervousness grew.  It seemed like forever that he was walking until the sudden, flat ground caught him off guard.

It was not surprising, saying that the visibility was extremely low.

Once he set foot on the ground, he gently placed his large hand on the wall, using it in terms to guide him.

He felt for any type of a door, and when his hand suddenly ran along a different, more smooth texture, he suspected he had found one.

Thor then found the grip of a cold, golden handle with the tiny bits of visibility he acquired. Warily, he twisted the handle, the familiar squeak of the door opening echoing throughout the small space he was currently occupied in.

Instantly, he was met with a dimly-lit passageway, torches lining the walls and evenly spaced. The door closed instantaneously behind him once he was clear of its proximity.

It was easily recognizable that this place was very old, the stairs, at most.

He took in a somewhat steady breath, beginning his walk down the long passage that, he predicted, would take an hour or two to walk down.

"Brother...where are you?"


Loki gasped as he awoke from a sudden nightmare that had overtook him in his uncomfortable and painful slumber.

4 days, 6 hours, and 2 minutes since he last saw Thor..

Sitting up, he took a glance around the all-to-familiar room, flinching at every small noise. The pain in his bloodied leg seemed to subside, but it still seemed to throb every once in a while.

The young god took notice of the man walking toward him once more. He hadn't figured out his name.

"I see you have finally awoken," the man said, the dark tone still residing in his voice.

Loki kept silent.

The man took out the remote again. "Haven't used this in quite some time," He chuckled, his finger hovering over the button that triggered the unbearable pain and jolting.

The God of Mischief saw the finger press down on the button, and felt the excruciating pain ricocheting through his already-weak form.

His features scrunched up into pain as his body shook and seized repeatedly.

The man took amusement out of this, and laughed slightly. "You are an entertaining one, Prince."

The seizing receded, and Loki took this time to recoup and get his stolen breath back to his burning lungs. By now, he was too weak to stand or do as much as simply lifting his head.

"I...was not entertain...anybody.." Loki breathed out with difficulty.

The man shook his head, "Everybody was made for something. And you-" he pointed a finger at the young god's fragile and weak form. "—were made for entertainment."

Loki weakly shook his head, lifting it up slightly before it banged on the metal table, sending pain rippling through his spine.

The large man's shadow loomed over the God's much more smaller and thin frame.

The remote was held out again, "You're wrong, God of Mischief." The button was pressed, and all Loki felt was pain and exhaustion.

Where is my brother?


Thor had been walking for about an hour and a half so far, and he's seen the same thing over and over. The familiar torches lit that lined the walls evenly.

Though, he came across 4 doors. Thor was quite perplexed by this. What would someone need 4 doors for?

He gently placed his hand on the chilled handle of the first door, but before he was capable of pulling it open, something, definitely not soft, came into contact with his head, and then he felt excruciating pain, everything going black.

When he awoke, the lingering smell of rotting flesh filled his nostrils, causing a burning sensation. Thor was creeped out badly by this.

He glanced around the pitch black room. His body was throbbing in pain, causing a small groan to escape his beaten and bloodied lips.

Scars covered his forehead and the side of his face, some continued to drip blood, though most were dried up. His wrists were being cut into by chains, his legs, unlike Loki, were tied up as well, his ankles sore.

A man appeared above Thor.

"Oh, hello Thor. You must be the God of Mischief's brother..."

That caught Thor off guard, but gave him a hint of where to find his brother.

"Where is he?!"

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