Chapter 2

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Thor woke up in a haze. His head was throbbing and he wasn't quite able to process what had happened not even 5 minutes prior, or however long its been since they were beamed down.

He groaned as he slowly got to his feet, looking around the strange landscape. They seemed to be in a large clearing, but several miles away, there were tall buildings visible. It looked like New York, and one of the buildings Thor had spotted gave it away. He was right. It was New York, and it seemed to be at least 10 miles away.

The God of Thunder had forgotten about his injuries, and ended up falling back to the ground with a thud. His face was covered in blood, specks of blood was also covering his messed up hair.

For some reason, his legs didn't want to move anymore as much as he wanted them to. He had just gotten up! How could his legs just be, paralyzed?


Thor looked toward the direction he heard the voice from.


He spotted Loki running toward him from further away, apparently he had either landed over there or went to look for assistance of some sort. He found himself being pulled to his feet, only to topple over again as his feet were incapable of supporting his own weight.

Loki worriedly set his injured brother back onto the grass and knelt in front of him to inspect the wound at the side of his head, which was Loki's own fault.

"Are you okay..?" Loki asked while putting his hand on the side of his older brother's cheek, close to where the wound was.

"Yea...Y-Yea I'm fine..." Thor replied, though his raspy voice gave away he clearly wasn't.

Loki gave him a look that said 'I don't believe you,' and Thor must of caught on because his eyes seemed to narrow in annoyance, but quickly widened again in pain as his head wound gave off a throbbing sensation of intense pain.

"Come on, Thor..we have to get to the city," Loki said repeatedly as he kept trying to get his brother to his feet, which didn't seem to want to cooperate.

"Forget it...I can't-I can't stand.." Thor eventually replied, and Loki noticed the hope that once shined in his brother's blue eyes had vanished. He also noticed Thor's eyes had went a darker hue of blue, as if the light just vanished from his eyes.

Loki, at this, was concerned. "Brother, what is the matter with you?"

Thor remained quiet, before the most intense wave of pain washed over him and he fell into his younger brother's arms, which wrapped around him.

"Let me see if I can do something.." Loki eventually said as he placed his hand gently on Thor's wound, causing him to wince, but Loki tried to focus.

He muttered a few works as his hand, and the wound, lit up with a green aura, and the deep wound to Thor's head became shallower.

"There, I believe that will at least do for a little while."

Loki once again assisted Thor to his feet, this time getting him to stand, but he had to limp badly, with his young brother's help.

At the speed they were going it would take up to 6 hours to arrive in the city, and the sun was beginning to set as well.

Loki felt his brother collapse in his arms, instinct kicking in as he set his older brother on the ground, placing his head in his lap. He heard his brother groan in pain, and noticed the blood trailing down the corner of his lips and nose.

In an attempt to hopefully heal his older brother more, he placed both of his hands on Thor's head. It would take time, but hopefully they had it.

Loki could feel Thor shift uncomfortably, which wasn't surprising saying he was in a lot of pain.

For once in the moments after everything that happened, Thor hadn't been thinking about Heimdall or Valkyrie's death. Instead, he felt a strange peace. He also felt something near him, as if it were calling to him. Calling him away from all his pains...his fears...his worries...things he stresses over...

Thor felt overwhelmed, slowly drifting his eyes closed, but once he did, Loki noticed something was horribly wrong. His brother's chest wasn't rising or falling, but instead sat still. Loki placed two of his thin fingers to Thor's neck, only to pull back in alarm, because he didn't feel the pulse beating against his fingers.

"Brother!" Loki exclaimed while grabbing his brother's shoulders and shaking them. "Brother, wake up please!"

Loki noticed a slight flash in the sky, and then something dark speeding toward the terrain not that far from them, with a trail of fire behind it. Loki was confused on what it was, but based on the rough and rocky texture, he guessed it was some sort of space rock.

Then there was the blinding light and searing pain, along with the surprising yell of his brother who he thought was already dead.

Once it cleared, he tasted the metallic in his mouth, which he could only guess was blood, but then his eyes widened again, and he found himself sitting up and breathing deeply, finding himself waking up from what seemed like a nightmare. Loki turned to see Thor breathing next to him, though he had the same injuries. What mattered was that he was alive...

Loki felt a sense of relief, and later, both got rest and awoken, walking toward the bright lights of the city's beautiful skyline lining the horizon.

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