Chapter 14

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Another groan, filled with pain and weakness, escaped from Thor's lips.

Loki was knelt down next to his brother, placing his hands on Thor's arms, sending a wave of green magic through Thor's system to slow the poison.

Thor's chest rose and fell with much difficulty, every breath sounding more like a wheeze.

Loki could feel that his brother's strength was fading quickly.

"Brother.." Loki muttered, his green eyes staring into Thor's weak, blue ones. Ones that used to be full of life, now existing with barely any. All the light he once saw in his older brother's eyes had faded.

Thor often took in loud gasps of air at times where it was dangerously limited. Loki never once left his side.

He was afraid that if he did, he'd return to his brother's lifeless body. The thought scared him.

Loki knew this type of poison. It was extremely rare, and it was not found of this continent. What scared him the most, was that no cure had been found yet.

Thor's breath was fading, and Loki attempted to keep his voice level when he spoke, though it failed miserably.

"Please, Thor...please..p-please don't leave me.." Loki pleaded, gripping Thor's hand as if it were his last lifeline.

Thor swallowed hard, attempting to find the strength he had so little of to reply.

"I..I cannot..."

Loki felt his heart instantly shatter.

"Brother, don't say're going to be fine.." Loki said, his voice quivering slightly in clear fear.

Thor's almost lifeless, blue eyes stared at him.

It hurt to look at them.

A groan of intense pain made its way past Thor's lips, his back suddenly arching in extreme agony. His body felt like it was burning.

Loki started to panic, but managed to calm himself down to do something.

He grabbed Thor's hand and squeezed tightly, gently pulling it up to his face and resting it on his cheek.

His emerald-green eyes drifted to the God of Thunder's body, which had seemed to relax.

"You're going to be alright," Loki assured. "I told you the sun would shine on us...please don't put it out..."

Thor's labored breaths turned into gasps for air, his hands seeming to clutch the air for something to rid of this new, unbearable pain and weakness.

Loki has never seen his brother so vulnerable. The poison had stolen all his strength..

The young god sighed heavily, lifting his brother's head into his lap and gently stroking his hair to keep him calm.

After a couple minutes, he stopped, placing his hands on both sides of Thor's head, and sent a pulse of green magic through it.

He watched as Thor flinched from it, before relaxing and submitting to unconsciousness.

Loki lifted up his brother so that Thor's head was against Loki's chest. The young god of Mischief wrapped his arms around his brother's fragile form carefully, while placing his head on his shoulder.


He must have fell asleep, because when Loki woke up, Thor's breathing was shallow, though he was awake.

"Loki..." Thor rasped, while weakly gripping his young brother's hand.

Caught a bit off guard by his brother's voice, Loki looked down at him, eyes showing concern.

"Yes, Thor?"

Thor took a gasping breath, swallowing with much difficulty.

"If-If I do not make it..." Thor began, though Loki interjected.

"Do not say if, brother. You will make it."

Thor suddenly went into a coughing fit for about 18 seconds before relaxing, now too weakened to say much.

Loki placed his hand on Thor's forehead, moving some stray strands of hair out of his face.

Loki kept close watch on his brother, his emerald-green eyes flashing with determination to save his brother. There was no way in all nine realms he'd let him die this way.

Loki, growing weak himself from the use of magic, placed his hand on Thor's head again, pumping multiple waves of magic through the older God's body.

With that, Loki collapsed himself out of exhaustion, his breathing heavy as he crawled toward his downed brother.

Once his hands touched Thor's leg, he tightened his grip and laid himself to where his head was on Thor's leg.

He once again fell into the pit of slumber.

This time when he woke up, Loki felt someone seemingly brushing his hair with their hand.

A groan escaped his lips as his dazed eyes drifted around.

"Did you sleep well, Brother?" Thor's familiar voice asked.

With a great strength, Loki had sat up, spinning around to see Thor sitting up, looking well once more.

Loki's lips curved up into a smile as he wrapped his arms tightly around his brother.

After both brothers were strong enough, they continued walking until coming to a tall mountain top, where they overlooked the land.

The sun was shining on both brothers.

Loki looked at Thor, who wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

Loki sighed in relief before speaking.

"I told you the sun would shine on us again."

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