Chapter 6

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Loki awoke to the sound of Thor's unusually heavy breathing. He took a quick glance over at his injured brother and saw his eyes were shut tightly and his face was scrunched up in pain.

"Brother-Brother!" Loki exclaimed in worry as he grabbed his older brother's shoulders and pulled him into a sitting position.

It was still night time, the white, shining lights of the burning gasses far from their reach, glowing in the sky.

Thor was gasping, clawing at anything to grab onto, which ended up being his young brother.

The young god pulled Thor into a comforting embrace, rubbing his back gently to get him to relax a bit more.

"Thor-Thor listen to me. Relax. I'm here, it's okay.." Loki assured, pulling back to glare into his brother's pained eyes.

"L-Loki?" Thor finally asked, his voice tainted with pain and confusion.

The God of Mischief remained still and calmed himself. "Yes, it's me, Brother."

The older god sighed heavily, as if relieved, though he was truly exhausted and weak.

A groan escaped from his lips as he fell backwards, only to be caught by his younger brother and laid down gently.

Loki's eyes flickered over Thor's wounds, but he realized the severe wounds had gotten infected, which was the suspect to Thor's pain.

A light green aura formed around his hands and he gently placed them on the wound.

A slight swirl appeared and seemed to enter the wound, though Thor barely noticed. The color that signaled it was infected had disappeared. Loki did the same thing to each of his wounds.

He noticed Thor wince a little under his touch. Most of his skin was tender due to the stress and damage that had been caused to it.

Thor lifted his head, but out of his weakness, it fell back onto the grass.

Loki, feeling bad for his brother, lifted his frail and battered body up, and pulled him into his arms, laying his own head on his older brother's shoulder.

They sat like that for quite a while, watching the lights of all different hues flash and glow in the distance.

The moon was out as well, a beautiful full moon that shone a faint light across the land.

The silence was broken when Thor spoke up. "Do you truly despise me, Brother?"

Loki seemed taken aback by the question, lifting his head.

"Thor, where would you get that idea, you ridiculous oaf? I may have been envious, a lot, and betrayed you quite often, but I've always loved you as my brother, and always will," He replied, turning to place his hand on Thor's cheek, glaring at him in the eyes.

Thor stared at him back, his eyes full of pain and hurt also showing sadness.

Loki got to his feet and placed a hand on Thor's shoulder.

"Thor, sometimes I'm envious and jealous, but never think that I hate you."

The God of Thunder's painful expression turned to somewhat relief and happiness. Some of the pain from his eyes receded.

"Thank you, Brother. Thank you..." Thor finally said, feeling a tear well up in the corner of his blue eye.

Loki gave a curt nod, the corner of his lips curving up into a small smile.

Thor found the strength to get to his feet, though he was leaning tremendously due to the pain and pressure of his wounds.

Loki assisted his brother in walking, seeing how uncomfortable he looked just getting up.

"We don't have that long to go. I believe I will make it," Thor said as he watched the lights ahead of them slowly loom closer and closer within each step.

The brothers remained silent for a while. Loki seemed distracted in his own thoughts, which wasn't common or rare.

They still remained about 30 minutes away, though they could tell they were much closer.

Thor was slightly struggling, but with the help of his mischievous, yet loving, brother, he was doing much better than he'd do alone, though his wounds were improving, slowly, but surely. Both were relieved. Once they reached the city they'd receive medical help for Thor.

Loki's eyes drifted to look at his injured brother. He was relieved to see his leaning has lessened, showing the great leap of improvement in just a  few hours.

He couldn't wait for this to be over.

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