#3 Gaze

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You were still sitting there, staring at the young boy in front of you, his position mirroring yours as the cold breeze blew past your hair and the sky turning brighter than earlier.

You felt quite intimated by his gaze, even though you've never met or spoke to him ever. Mostly because he had a very mysterious, cold and unexplainable aura surrounding his small figure, maybe that's why you felt scared.

Your eyes finally blinked and you abruptly stood up, brushing your shorts and looking away. When you turned your head back at him, he was still sitting on the ground, staring at you.

Subconsciously, you reached out your hand towards him, he accepted it and you pulled him up.

The atmosphere was now awkward, the two of you were looking anywhere else expect each other. You were the first to avert your gaze at him, while he was still looking at the scenery beside him above from the rooftop. The only sound surrounding the two of you was the wind that's still blowing from the sky and into each other's ears.

Your ears perked up when you heard the school bell ringing, meaning it's time for students to return to class. A rush of disappointment overwhelmed you as you didn't feel like leaving him so soon, but you didn't have a choice because you're at school, and you didn't want to miss any classes even though you don't care about them.

You glanced at the mysterious boy one more time before sprinting towards the door from the rooftop and back to your classroom, leaving him standing there alone with saying a single word.


"For those who are having Science class next, Mrs Song would like you guys to meet her at the lab." The teacher made the announcement before heading out the class.

While you were packing up your textbook and notebooks quietly, the rest of the students already made their out of the classroom to get to their next class on time. You checked your schedule, it was empty, indicating you no longer have any other classes for the day.

You huffed out, closing your eyes and resting your head into your arms, feeling tired after sitting in class and listening to boring lectures for the entire day. You exhaled, wanting to get some sleep.

Well, that was your original plan until some student came rushing in, footsteps echoing throughout the now empty classroom. Soon after, a few more students came in as well. They must've ran their way here, based on their heavy breathings.

"We missed it." A student spoke up, groaning. The rest agreed.

One of them must've noticed you in the corner of the room, because your ears caught up with the sounds of footsteps getting nearer to your table. Your head still remained in your arms, unbothered and tired.

The sound of a gentle tap against the wooden table bounced off the concrete walls as one of the students tapped his or her finger in front of you.

"Excuse me." A male voice spoke.

Sighing, you slowly raised your head and opened your tired eyes, feeling slightly irritated at the student for disrupting your sleep.

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