Chapter 20

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I thought i wouldn't pass this, and i would be stuck forever in that time span, but here i am,

I did.

"Best. Movie. Ever." Sydney whisper-yells after the lights are on in the cinema.

"Yeah, it was really good." I agree.

Syndey yawns. Her eyes lids are becoming heavy. Of course, after the day we've had, she can't keep her eyes open.

I stand up and grab her hand to pull her up with me.

"Come on, you're getting sleepy. You can sleep on our way back."

She loops her hand through mine and we make our way outside, when we get in the car, Sydney pulls off her shoes and brings her knees to her chest and wraps her arms around them.

I turn on the ignition but before i begin driving, Sydney leans over and presses a kiss to my cheek.

For the first time in my life, i blush.

And i can literally feel the heat as it goes to my cheeks.

"Thank you for today." She whispers before closing her eyes and drifting off.

I turn on the car and i begin driving. At every stop i take a glance at her. She looks beautiful with the gentle breeze blowing her hair, her soft snores filling the car, along with the gentle rise and fall of her chest.

When we arrive home, i park the car and i get out. I open the passenger door and i wrap my arms around Sydney.

I carry her up the stairs and i ring the doorbell, her roommate open the door.

She looks at the sleeping Sydney in my arms and raises and eyebrow. "Did you drug her or something"

I chuckle. "No, she's just asleep. Let me put her to bed."

She opens the door further and i step inside. I go to Sydney's room and i put her gently on the bed. I take off her shoes and i pull the covers on her.

I exit the room. And i come face to face with Sydney's roommate standing there with her arms crossed.

"What's going on between you and Syd?"

I see no point in denying what i feel anymore. "I think i love her."

"Then what are you going to do about it?"

I put my hands on my hips, and i look at some point behind her.

"I don't know, okay? But i will tell her soon." That is a complete lie. I will always be afraid of rejection.

"I'm just asking because i see that Sydney totally likes you. And i wanted to make sure you feel the same. I don't want her to her hurt."

"I will never hurt her." I look her in the eyes this time.

"I have a feeling that you would not."

After a several seconds of silence each of us trying to let the words exchanged sink in, I say, "Have a goodnight..."


"Have a goodnight, karen."


She follows me to the door and opens it for me, i smile at her and mumble a thank you.

On my way home, all i could think about was Sydney.

How beautiful her smile was. How i love the way her eyes wrinkle when she finds something very funny. How i love that she's left handed, even thought it's a totally unimpressive thing.

How she clasps my hands tightly with hers, dragging me with her while running through the streets.

How strong she is. And how she handled what happened to her, and what happened to me.

How she showed me the time moves on even when we don't. But we have to anyways. We eventually do.

Last but not least, she taught me how to love, laugh and live.

There are people that you meet that you get to know,
And there are people you meet that you already know.
-Colleen Hoover.

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