Like a Moth to a Monster [Boruto/BoruSara]

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I do not own Naruto/Boruto or it's characters, all rights go to the Masashi Kishimoto&Ukyō Kodachi. However, I do own the plot of this OneShot! Any ties to real-life events or people are completely coincidental. This story is absolutely fictional.


AN: I totally not regret writing it, but need some sort of help. My knowledge of Godzilla movies is superb. xD

Title: Like a Moth to a Monster [BoruSara, Drabble, AU, Comedy, I don't know what I've written]

Rating: T+

Wordcount: 429


Being a Godzilla wasn't easy for Boruto's everyday life. His green scales and sharp teeth made his usual tea time impossible to do without occasional destruction.

"Milk tea is making me into gentlemen," he whispered. Those foolish humans do not realise the beauty of his sexy body type. In comparison to them, he didn't need to use 'Colgate' to have shiny teeth. And they wonder why humanity is on the verge of extinction. How pathetic.

Because he enjoyed his tea so much, a lot of the city buildings suffered utter destruction. Shouts like:

"It's a monster!"

"End of the world is coming!"

"Exorcise this evil spirit!"

Boruto just shook his head disappointed in the capability of humans in present times. They'll destroy themselves sooner than he has a chance to destroy them. He just wanted to drink his tea using a fancy tea set! Is his dream that destructive?

Suddenly a flying moth Sarada flew down from the sky. Apparently to stop his 'evil deeds' of trying to drink tea.

"What are you doing? You moron! How many times I told you to be careful during your tea-time." Sarada moth went into a nagging mode. It's not his fault drinking tea is putting earth on a global scale danger. What he Godzilla should do? Stop living? That wasn't an option.

"I cannot help drinking tea in this society is so forbidden to me, ya know! Isn't that super evil of me to actually drinking it?" Boruto clenched his mouth. The moth just sighed.

"Can't you do it on another planet?" That was obviously sarcasm on her part, wasn't it?

"No. The earth has my favourite tea set on sale. Besides Alice in Wonderland will be playing in the cinema, ya know?" He ignored the disapproved look she gave him. Probably. With her eyes, it was hard to tell what expression she made.

"Stop fooling around and in the result be the reason of apocalypse on this planet, Boruto," she demanded fed up with this Godzilla antics. It would be easier for him to be straight-up evil than being a tea lover.

"Go on a date with me then," he winked in a Godzilla like way.

"Humans should be grateful for me going out with you. At least earth won't get destroyed by something so stupid like tea time," she answered.

Sarada the Moth and Boruto the Godzilla lived happily ever after. And thus earth by some sort of miracle avoided inevitable destruction. However, Boruto's tea-time passed in peace after he learned how properly to hold a mug. The end. 

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