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Three days, three days left and I'll be out of here with my kids. Lord knows how creepy things has been around here, especially with that kiss I didnt see coming.

Arez and I have not spoken three words to each other since that pink luggage incident lady.

I missed him but, I'd never tell him that.

I got up from my bed and decided to make breakfast for everyone.

"Hey"a voice said from behind me.

"Oh my God you fucking scared me" I yelled, placing my hands on my chest.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I i just came to say how sorry I am for what happened with Teiah and how I behaved. I've just never wanted something that bad before." Arez said, i didn't even know how close he was untill i felt his breath on my face.

"I'm ready to do anything you want me to do, I've never thought about having a family before but now, im super ready"he whispered.

I can't even belive this is even happening!!! What do I even say to him?

Thoughts about leaving flew out of my head and all i could think about was this gorgeous man standing in front of me, ready to accept me and my girls.

There are alot of things i should put into concideration but right now, i could honestly care less.

"I'm probably making a rash decision and we've not known eachother for long but, I'm ready to do this. On one condition though, we'll have to do that DNA test." I told him.

"I- Yes, yes let's do a DNA test. If it turns out I'm not the sperm donor, I still want to be a part of your family" he said with so much hope in his eyes.

How the fuck I'm I supposed to say no to that?

I nodded my head and before i knew it, his lips were on mine but, he pulled me closer to him so there was no space between us and bit my lower lip.

I responded immediately, kissing him back like my whole life depended on it.

"Mommy? why's he eating your face?" I heard a little voice ask

We separated immediately and he started laughing,

"It's not fucking funny, idiot"

I guess the next lesson my babies gonna learn is how to give mama her privacy.

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