8. Arez Deyvis... I Don't Trust This Dude

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"Want to finally talk about it" Neh asked me, she was standing at the door to my room.

"So apparently, the CEO of that company, is the owner of the sperm I got inseminated with. He thinks he fucked me! Can you imagine that hot stuff?" I huffed out in annoyance.
"You're lying" she yelled, this time, walking into the room.
"I wish"

"So, what are you going to do?" She asked me

"What is there to do? He may be the owner of the sperm but he's not the father of my children, so there is nothing to do" I told her, folding my shirt that I just removed.
"This is some crazy shit" she whispered

I know sis, I know.

"Mommy!" One of my kids called out.
You know honestly, I thought that as a mother of three identical children, I'll be able to differentiate them.

Nope, there isn't and the three musketeers know this, so, they prank me all the time.

Forget it, I love my kids but, there are times I feel like spanking them till they faint.

No, I've never done it before. It's just a thought.

A thought I'm beginning to consider.

"In here baby" I yelled back

"Mommy, somewon is knocking on the door and Annie and sofie too small to reach the door. I'm small too" my baby girl said.

Adorable child.

"Okay, mommy is going to open the door" I told her as I lift her up into my arms.

Opening the door, I wish I hadn't.

The sperm donor was here and I wonder what for.

"Yes? How can I help you" I asked rather coldly

"Look, I'm sorry I said what I said, I was not in the right mind" he apologized.

"Now, I'm wondering what you're doing here, I mean rich guys like you do everything to make sure the girls they fuck don't come back with preggo story, and even if it's theirs they'd deny it so, why would you come after me?" I asked him

"Can I at least come in?" He asked instead and I let him in.

My girls that were currently watching cartoon and dancing to a song from it, stopped dancing, looking at Mr. Deyvis with wide eyes.

"Can I say hi to them?" He asked

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Sure, don't touch their hair tho" I warned him.

A black girl don't like her hair touched! You'd mess up the curls mister!

"Okay" he said slowly and went over to say hi to the girls.

And that's when it hit me! He's really the sperm donor.

Dang it!

Their green eyes seemed to just light up the whole room.

"Well, this is a sight I didn't expect to see"Neh said as she walked into the living room.

"Hi, I'm Arez Deyvis" he told her, stretching out his arm for a hand shake.

"Mmmmneh" Neh said.

This bitch don't know any English anymore.

"Huh?" Arez asked

She cleared her throat and told him he name.

"I believe I asked a question Mr. Deyvis. It's the only reason I let you in my house and close to my girls" I told him.


"I saw a video you posted of them on instagram and I saw this" he said and showed me something like a birthmark under this elbow.

Okay, weird.

"And another video of them telling you they hate orange juice. I hate orange juice. So I knew the kids are mine" he sad with so much confidence.

"Holl up, my kids are not yours" I corrected.

I saw his smile drop.


"Right, I'm sorry " he said and I nodded.

Somehow, I don't trust this dude.

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