17. Family Time

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     Arez and I decided to just spend time together with the kids today after school and he went as far as buying ice creams and other snacks. I'm legit happy he's trying here.

There was a knock on the door and he stood up to get it.

"Mom? What a surprise" he said and tried to hug her but she didn't hug him back, she pushed him away.

"I heard you're keeping whores now" She said as she pushed her way into the house.

"Hi, Good afternoon" I greeted her politely. She gave me a stink eye.

"I guess they were right" She spat, looking at me in disgust.

"Come inside my dear" she yelled and little miss pink luggage pornstar came in smiling like she just won Anthony Joshua's 31 billion dollars.

Fuck this hitch and everything that has to do with her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't quite get you ma, you said you heard he's keeping whores. There's only me here, who are the other whores?" I asked her and calmly and gently as I can.

"Those little things beside you are the others. You're a whore, they'll b-"

"I dare you to finish that sentence. I don't care if you're older than me or your Arez's mother, I'd do to you what I do to people that say shit about my children. So Mrs Deyvis, I dare you to finish that sentence" I threatened, I didn't even know I was close to her until I felt Arez's hands around me. I think I scared her enough.

"Mom, I told you she's disrespectful" little mis pink luggage pornstar cried out.

"I see I've not thought you a lesson, I'll give you three seconds to get out of this house and never comeback again" I told her and she ran towards Mrs Deyvis, grabbing her arm.

"How dare you talk to her like that?" Mrs Deyvis asked. She looked like she wanted to peel my skin out but she was too scared to do it.

"Arez, back her up, she's your wife" Mrs Deyvis said and Arez looked at me with sorry eyes.

"Teiah, you really need to go, you too mom, as you can see, y'all interrupted our family time, and insulted my family and I won't have that" he said, he's straight face right how, is the straightest I've seen.

"So for this thing? You throw your mom and wife out of your house? Your dad will hear about this and let me tell you, it won't be this friendly" Mrs Deyvis threatened and walked out with the pornstar hanging on her arm.

There was an awkward silence in the house after they left.

"Where did we stop?" Arez asked like nothing happened.

"I'm not going to say sorry for the way I talked to your mom" I told him.

"I didn't ask you to" he replied.

Okay then, back to family time.

"I'm so sorry y'all had to hear that" I told my children and I hugged them.

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