13. Stupid Bitch

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"Miss Claire, I know you love your children but, coming to school and saying such things to a young girl like Sally was wrong" The Principal said.

So, apparently, the little shit reported me to her mommy who reported me to the principal.

Arez offered to pick the girls up from school since I wasn't done with my shift yet. I was working when he called me, telling me the principal refused to let my girls go except I come to the school myself.

So I came, ready to give them a piece of my mind.

"Well, for a young girl like that to say shit like that to my daughters, It means  that young girl knows what she was doing and saying. Lord knows how many times she bullied my girls and like you said, I love my children and I won't have no shitty child say rubbish to or about my children" I told her.

"I think we're done here" I told her as I stood up to adjust my skirt.

"Mr Deyvis, please talk to her, this kind of character is not accepted here" The woman said, looking at me through her ugly glasses.

"Don't just talk to my daughter like that" the other woman, who is supposedly Sally's mother said

"Then tell your mean daughter not to say trash to my daughters " I told her

"And make sure you tell your little devilish child not to go close to my angels, or I'll fuck her up" I added, grabbed my purse and walked out of the office and banged the door for dramatic effect.

"Claire, Claire" Arez called after me

"What you did in there-"

"Don't you come here and tell me what I did was wrong, okay? No kid should go through that. I wanted to do this legally but I saw the little trash calling my girls  daddyless! What? You expected me to sit in the car and do nothing?" I asked him, almost raising my voice.

"What I wanted to say was, what you did in there was hot" he said, it took a moment for me to register what he said.

When I did, I started laughing and he joined me.

"Let's go" he said and we went to the girls class to get them so we could go.

When we got home, there was a pink suitcase by the door.

I looked over to Arez, he had the same confused look on his face.

"Baby, you're home" I heard a loud squeak, then long legs running over to the car.

I took my girls out of the car, to let the two have privacy.

"Who are these? Arez I've told you to stop picking people up from the streets and bringing them into our home" the bitch dared to say.

I looked at my daughters and they closed their ears.

Good girls, they know mummy is about to say vulgar things.

"Look here bitch, you don't know me and I don't know you so, I'll refrain from calling me names if I were you. I'm already pissed and you don't want me unleashing my anger on you" I told her and led my girls into the house.

Stupid bitch thinks she can come up here and call me names.

This is a long chapter. Don't forget to comment your thoughts.

Baby FeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora