4. Push, Bitch

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"You can do it" a nurse said to me, holding my left hand as hard as I was holding hers.

"I see the head" the blonde doctor that made all this possible by blocking her fucking ears yelled as she smiled at me.

"You better see the whole damn Dody already or I'm killing you" I yelled in agony.

How I managed to get that sentence out, surprised me.

"One more push, you can do it" the blonde doctor told me and I pushed.

"Push bitch" Neh yelled but her voice wasn't all that loud because she's currently out of town and she said she wouldn't miss this so I told the doctors to Skype her.

And her words seemed to do the trick because, I heard a little baby cry in the background.


"Oh we are no done, I see another head" the blond doctor yelled again.

"Yeah, I see your head too" I snapped.

"Yay, twins" Neh yelled, I could tell she was smiling.

Three minutes and seven pushes later, the second cry was heard.


"Shit! There's another head people" the blond doctor yelled.

"Bitch, how many times did you inseminate me?" I asked in pain.

"I can't do it this time" I told them, catching my breath.

"Don't give up Claire, you can do it"the nurse that held my hand encourage calmly.

"I don't have strength" itodthem, tears spilling from my eyes.

I gathered all the energy that I had left and gave a big push and the third child came out.

"Are there anymore heads?" I asked weakly and everyone present in the labour room, laughed, including far away Neh.

"So, what are their names?" Neh asked

"Shush! I wanna see them first" I told her and the nurses brought my babies to me.

Holy mother of fucking babies!

My kids are all girls and the three little fuckers are identical.

F U C K   M E

"Why are you not saying anything?" Neh asked.

The labor room was silent.

"O my God, they are beautiful" were the only words I could utter and everything turned black.

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