30. Levitate

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Jorel's P.O.V.

I just keep on screwing up, goddamn it! I don't know what the fuck I was thinking! I already put her in so much danger and now that situation with Vanessa made her leave the rehearsal earlier. She has every right to be upset, but she has to realize that I need to move on. Vanessa is a safe choice for now – I've been honest with her and told her about this little fling. She's understanding and I'm super positive that we'll eventually work out right after the tour is over and we come back home.

I can't think about another problem now. Thank God, now I have Johnny by my side. I'm still not sure what his plan is, but he seemed so confident about it.

My P.O.V.

I feel like I overreacted earlier and made a fool of me once again; but should I really blame myself? There's just too much going on – with my bestie, with me leaving and everything else in between.

Of course, I'm feeling uncomfortable around Vanessa! I was embarrassing myself with every word I said, so I went back to the bus just to avoid both her and Jorel.

I spent my spare time texting my friend and making sure her condition isn't getting worse. She informed me that she'll probably have surgery... Again! I was so worried even though she was reassuring me it's not so scary and I shouldn't overreact.

Damn, I just wanted to leave as soon as possible...


After a while, I decided to finally open Ryan's envelope and take a better look at it. Damn, this looks fine...

While deep in my thoughts, I didn't even realize when someone came in. The second they cleared their throat, I rashly tried to hide everything in the envelope, not even noticing it was none other than Jorel staring at my awkwardness. Oh, shit!

"Whatcha hiding there?" He looked at me with curiosity and then threw a glance at something on the floor. Fuck, I'm screwed! Before I managed to do anything, he picked it up and goddamn it, the rage in his eyes really scared me for a moment.

"So, this is what you've been doing with him, huh?" He raised his voice and I just froze, not being able to say a word. "Show me the rest!" He yelled once again.

"No!" I screamed, holding the envelope tightly.

At that moment the rest of the boys came in and we all just stared awkwardly at one another.

"Oh, shit!" Dylan was the first one to speak. "Did we just interrupt you two hooking up?"

I wasn't sure if he was joking at this point, but then Jorel's reaction made it clear.

"Dude!" Jorel shouted. "Did you really have to say it like that?"

My anxiety started growing inside of me. I was so not okay with this. "I can't believe you told them!" Now I got angry even more. "Did y'all know?" It felt like they were too embarrassed to answer me.

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