41. Medicine

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My P.O.V

On our way to the hospital, I remained silent still not believing what we had just survived. Who knows how Jorel must have felt; he had been a part of this charade for so long all by himself, just to find out it was his ex band mates all along.

I wasn't in any physical pain, just so exhausted. It was still unbelievable how someone could be so cruel. They almost killed me and they didn't even know me; all because Jorel became important to me and we've gotten close. It made me feel like trash; like I was no one, just a girl who fell for a troubled guy; like I didn't have a life. I didn't wanna be known as some rando who almost died with a famous guy, I wanted to be my own person.

So many fans already knew about me, but they didn't know Jorel and I were a thing. And now, thanks to media they were gonna find out anyway and I didn't wanna be a part of it. I never wanted to be in the spotlight, at least not like this. What have I done to deserve it? So many thoughts were running through my head... Maybe I never should have gotten involved with him in the first place...

I was still lost in thoughts when they put me on an IV and asked me how was I feeling.

"I'm fine," I responded quickly, not in a mood for talking.

Jorel's P.O.V.

Damn, I needed some fucking stitches, but it wasn't that bad after all. I was sitting right outside her room, waiting for a doctor to check on me, but honestly, I didn't care about my well-being at that moment. She was my priority now. How did we end up like this? It's all my damn fault! Why, why, why the fuck did I have to... fall... for her? It's too much, too fucking much-

"Hey," someone tapped my shoulder, and then I realized it was Johnny's voice. Dude still had some explaining to do.

"I know I hid some things from you..." he started talking without hesitation. "But so did you..."

I opened my mouth, trying to protest, but he stopped me with a hand gesture and continued. "I know what you're gonna say, man. I know your hands were tied, I know you feared they were gonna come after everyone else involved, but look, I did it anyway without your blessing, and now it's safe to say that I succeeded."

"But how..." I spoke silently, still in disbelief. How the hell did he managed it all?

"Look at you all confused right now!" He giggled a bit. "It's all over now, my brother. You can finally relax!"

"Not until you tell me everything!" I said, and then he finally did.

The truth finally came out. We had to keep our voices down, cause we were discussing a very important matter in a freaking hospital. Johnny suggested to leave elsewhere more private, but I didn't wanna leave my girl all alone in there.

Basically, Johnny started stalking me, or in his words - protecting me as soon as he noticed me acting all weird and disappearing on them from time to time. He knew I wouldn't have liked if he had confronted me about it, so he started working from the shadows. He knew I was dealing, he knew I got involved with dangerous people and all he wanted was to help me.

"It was a crazy coincidence that you got caught up in all that right after Deuce had gotten out of prison the last time." Johnny explained in details. "We all kinda knew about his shenanigans, but I was the only one who kept an eye on him. After he screwed with us and our band, I simply had to. There was this gut feeling that he was gonna do something even worse." I listened to Johnny's words carefully admiring him now more than ever. "So, when I realized I couldn't always find him, because the damn bastard was hiding very well... I decided to... to start cooperating with the FBI."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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