10. Knife Called Lust

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My P.O.V.

The moment I woke up from my deep thoughts was when Jorel unexpectedly sat next to me. We were so close, which made me kind of nervous. I looked up at Danny who was standing a few steps further, staring at the phone and waiting for the guys to text him back. Danny noticed me feeling uncomfortable, but just smiled at me instead and left somewhere. This ain't good. The last time I was alone with Jorel it didn't go well.

"I'll be right back..." was the last thing Danny said. Did he just leave us here on purpose?

"Weird," Jorel said to himself after his bandmate left.

I was trying to ignore the fact that I'm sitting next to J, but it was so hard not to look at his perfect face. As I looked at his neck, I noticed something. I wanted to keep my mouth shut, but goddamn it, I couldn't. "Is that blood?" I asked him in confusion.

"What?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

Nice, I fucked up again. Of course, he won't talk to me. "On your neck... It looks like... like you were bleeding." I was worried, I just had to ask.

"It's... nothing." He was hiding something, I could tell. "If you really wanna know... some chick bit me." He blurted, raising his voice.

Fuck, I know he's lying... Or is he? Maybe he's just trying to piss me off? But why? Why can't we ever have a normal conversation?

"Yeah... Whatever." I whispered looking away. "It just doesn't look like a neck bite to me," I added, still looking away.

"Hey, it's not like I'm asking you what's up with you and Danny!" He shouted angrily. 

  Whoa!  Did he just-

I faced him again.  "What does it have to do with anything?" I asked in anger and confusion. 

"The point is, I never ask you anything. I simply don't care and neither should you!" He stared deep into my eyes and I admit, it hurt. "What do you even want from me?" He's being really harsh, but why? I won't let his words break me!

"You know, sometimes I really wanna punch you in the face!" I didn't even realize what I was saying; he pissed me off again for no reason.

"Jorel, what the fuck?" I heard Danny's voice behind me.

"I think you should ask your girlfriend that," J. smirked after looking at me, and then looked back at Danny. "She's threatening me." This made me really uncomfortable... like, why would he say something like that? 

"Enough, Jorel. Stop being a dick." Danny saved me once again. "I know something's going on with you, but it doesn't mean you can act this way towards her... or anyone!" 

"Wow, Daniel, slow down. When did you become so talkative?" J. was trying to stay mean.

"Come over here, so we can talk in private." Danny ignored the previous comment and Jorel just followed him like a puppy. 

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