7. New Day

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My P.O.V.

"Then, how about a date?" He wore a smile on his face hoping for a positive answer.

"A-a date?" I really wasn't expecting this. It was obvious he wanted it, so before thinking this through, I accepted it. "Yeah, sure." Maybe it was wrong, but at this moment, I didn't care; I just went for it.

12 hours earlier

Last night was crazy. Guys were tipsy when they came back. Surprisingly, they were all in a good mood and didn't want to argue with J about missing the concert. Instead, they decided to loosen up and drink some more. Dylan was dancing around awkwardly begging others to play some music. Then Charlie and Johnny started singing about Charlie's weenie while Danny and I were just sitting on the floor and drinking. Danny's been so kind and caring; always asking me if I was all right. He didn't even let me get drunk last night, and this morning I was thankful for that considering that the rest of the guys were hangover and bitchin' about it.

Jorel didn't enjoy last night's after-party at all. He was just sitting quietly in the corner throwing glances at me and Danny once in a while which felt really weird. Today, he woke up earlier and went somewhere, again. Only this time, he promised he'll be back before the show. Charlie tried to get some answers from him, but unsuccessfully.

Jorel's P.O.V.

"Look, I gave you the money! Can you just leave me alone and I promise I'll keep my mouth shut?" I was trying to look as confident as possible. These dudes ain't nothing to fuck with. If they feel my fear, it's over.

"Not so easy, Decker boy." One of them spoke. Gosh, I hated that they knew my name... Not just my name; they knew everything. And still, I couldn't figure out who was behind this.

These assholes were always wearing masks and I just couldn't recognize them. They took everything away from me, made me depressed and fucked up...

I've been alone in this for so long that I started to believe nobody cares about me. I distanced myself from the guys; I just kept lying and hiding secrets. Yes, I lost everything - I even lost myself, but I just couldn't lose my boys.

"Why so silent, Decker?" His deep voice woke me up from my thoughts.

"I have nothing to tell you!" I raised my voice, still trying to control my fear.

"What about now?" He grabbed a pocket knife and put it onto my neck. The feeling of the cold metal sent shivers down my spine. "Remember how we played yesterday? Now, we can do even worse..." He continued his little speech.

"Go ahead! Kill me!" I could sense his chuckle even though I couldn't see his facial expressions. "I'm not scared of you assholes!"

"I can fucking slit your throat right now! You're aware of it, right?" His threats were ridiculous.

"I know you won't do it! I know someone's telling you what to do and I know they want you to keep me alive-"

"Don't be so sure, little boy!" He tried to stab me but somehow I managed to push him and grab the knife. Still, I noticed a few blood drops on my collar, but it wasn't so bad. I was hoping I'll escape once again, but the other two guys jumped on me. I was flat on the floor and I couldn't even move. There were three of them against me.

I guess this is really going to be the end of me.

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