8. Another Way Out

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My P.O.V.

"Hey, what is bothering you?" Danny's angelic voice took me back to reality.

"He promised he'll come back..." I looked at him with sadness in my blue eyes. "If something bad happens..."

"Shhh..." He put his pointer finger in front of my lips. "He'll be fine... You just have to believe."

"But last night, we kind of had an argument... But it was completely my fault! He said how you guys don't care about him and..."

"Wait! He really said it?" I could feel the pain in Danny's voice.

"But he probably didn't mean it like that... I don't know... It's just... His attitude... It reminded me of someone; it really scared me!" I felt goosebumps as I started remembering something I've hidden deep down for so long.

"Wanna talk about it?" He was gently rubbing my back making me feel safe. Should I share my story after all?


Jorel's P.O.V.

Everything was happening so fast. "Your time has come, Decker!" I heard one of them mumble. "Now I'mma ruin your pretty face!"

Still unable to move I was hoping for a miracle to save me. I've come way too far, I couldn't lose now. Another guy picked up the knife from before and handed it to one of the guys who were literally on me.

"What the fuck are you doing?" An unknown weird-sounding voice made the three of them froze. 

"But we were just-" The guy with the knife tried to explain.

"That wasn't the fucking deal!" The guy still stood far away from us. "Now, get the fuck up and leave him!" The others did as said. This felt really weird. Why was this guy changing his voice? Was he their leader? Maybe he was someone I knew? My head was filled with so many questions. 

They all ran away, except that guy. He turned around to face me but was still distant. His mask and hoodie hid his face very well. I was trying to figure out who he was by analyzing his body. Something felt really familiar. 

"I'm proud of you, J-Dog." He spoke which really surprised me. "You're really taught."

What kind of a sick game is this fag playing? After these words, I wanted to jump on him and take the mask off, but I just couldn't. I panicked. I was still on the ground, still not moving. Still, he could've also had a knife or something whereas I had nothing and I wasn't in a mood for dying again.

A few seconds later, that dude was gone and I was just trying to process everything. Who could this be? One of the guys, maybe? But then again, why would they do this? And as much as I know they're all together now preparing for the concert. Or are they? Call me crazy, but something did feel familiar. I don't wanna jump into conclusions yet.

I just need to get the hell out of here. 


Note: This is shorter, I know. But I promise, better storylines are coming. :)

Tear you apart (J-Dog fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz