28. Dead Bite

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Jorel's P.O.V.

I just wanted to cry myself to sleep. Yes, that's how fucked up I was. I'm unable to make the right decisions, goddamn it. I'm unable to say what I think and how I feel. What a loser I am!

While still lost in my thoughts, for a second I noticed someone's shadow following me. Maybe she wanted to tell me something more? I sighed and turned around, but instead of her, I saw Da Kurlzz creeping on me... Weird!

"Dude, what the fuck? Why are you snooping around?" I kinda raised my voice, feeling freaked out a little.

"Oh, Jay, it's you! Sorry..." He spoke with his tipsy voice. "I just couldn't sleep next to Jordon anymore!"

I raised an eyebrow at him. "As much as I know, you've already slept next to him."

"Oh, shut up!" He sounded kind of offended. "Anyway... Whatcha were you doing with your girly over there?"

"If you must know – nothing!" I still felt shitty and I just couldn't say anything more to him. "And she's not my girly or whatever... Now, go back to sleep, we'll talk tomorrow."

"All right, then! Nighty-night, Jay-Jay!" His words somehow lifted me up.

"Sleep tight... Don't let the dead bite..." I joked the way we used to, and for a second I felt better. Maybe friendship is all I need. I distanced myself from them all because of all of these fucking secrets.

Matt just laughed it off and shortly after went back to sleep next to Jordon... yup.


My P.O.V.

The next morning I felt pretty weird. Still feeling devastated because of my bestie and kinda confused after Jorel's words, I couldn't get up and face the day. Ryan texted me again and again, so I briefly explained to him why I needed to leave. I still wasn't sure how I felt about him. I mean, I liked him as a friend, and yes – we shared some interesting moments yesterday, but I didn't even have time to process everything. And what's up with Jorel anyway? First, he goes back to his girlfriend and then he comes back to me with all that cute bullshit talk! I already had too many problems, but once I'm gone I'll leave all these testosterone boys behind and things will be much simpler.

Ryan and I arranged a meeting because he wanted to give me some kind of a gift. I had no clue what it could be, but I was really curious. I quickly get dressed and said bye to the guys on my way out. As much as I noticed, Jorel was probably still asleep since he wasn't with the rest of the group. I just hoped he wouldn't bribe about me leaving because I wanted to be the one to announce that.

But then again, why would he? He's been keeping us a secret, so I don't think he'd even mention we had a conversation, let alone anything else that has happened between us. I'm not even sure if I should believe in any of his pathetic shit from last night.


Ryan was already waiting for me. The second I showed up, he hugged me and kissed my cheek.

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