"I think I'm going to confiscate this." She smirked at me as I gaped at her. Ignoring this, she slid my phone into her pocket and continued to slice vegetables. She would glare at me every time I tried to get off the counter and eventually I just stopped trying and settled down to watch her cook.

I had offered to at least set the table, but she refused to let me help. After she had everything set up, she walked up to me and stood between my legs. My eyes widened slightly at the proximity. She slid her hands underneath my thighs and lifted me up once again. "Take your seat, Princess." She teased jokingly as she slid me into my chair and I giggled in amusement.

I sat politely and waited for her to sit down as well. She had prepared roasted chicken breasts with a side of sautéed vegetables. "It looks amazing." I said softly.

She sat down in the seat across from me and picked up her fork, gesturing for me to do the same. We ate in relative silence with her asking the occasional question about my life. I responded with the best of my ability and tried to not hint at anything that could get me in trouble.

She reached across the table to hold my hand sometime during the meal. "Something tells me that you're very closed off. Are you afraid of letting people in?"

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I asked her another question instead. "Why didn't you report me for the knife incident?"

She chuckled. "As a Professor, I should have, hm?" I didn't respond and she continued. "I minored in psychology and worked in youth counseling for some time and I like to think that I can read people rather well. I had a feeling that you weren't intending on harming someone with it, but it is a possession that is quite special to you."

My jaw dropped. "Was that a total guess?"

"Like I've said, I can read people quite well, and you seemed very protective of it."

"You worked in youth counseling? Um-how old are you?" I shyly asked.

She almost chuckled. "Ten years older than you, Miss Reagan."

"So twenty eight..." I murmured to myself. Another thought emerged in my mind. "Why are you doing all this for me? I'm not that special."

"Because you intrigue me." She answered without missing a beat. "I've been curious about you since you stumbled into my class late that day. Then I found out that it was only your first year. You're very clever, but you're also quite secretive, and that drew me in." She commented.

I watched her with curious eyes and she smiled again before reaching over to pinch my cheek. "You're also very cute."

"I-isn't this wrong?" I stammered.

She sighed. "Like many other things, it is frowned upon, but as we are both consenting adults, no law forbids it. I understand that the university will take issue as I am your professor, but I am careful. I am not deterred by social norms if I'm certain of what I want and I want you." I blushed and shyly met her eyes.

"How about you? How do you feel about all this?"

"I'm attracted to you." I blushed again.

"Why, thank you."

"N-not like that!" I stuttered and she raised an eyebrow at me. "Well, yes like that, but I was thinking personality wise. You're very assertive and shall I say, dominant?"

She winked at me. "Oh, you have no idea." I suddenly could not meet her eyes until she reached across the table and lifted my chin up. "Some people would say that I'm too bossy, but lucky for me, I've never cared much for what others thought."

Suddenly, I heard my phone buzz again from her pocket and I looked at her pleadingly. She sighed before pulling it out and handing it to me. I looked to see another message from Trey.

Confirm with me when you can.

"Your parents?" I shook my head, already responding to the message. "Your boss?" I shook my head again and my phone was promptly snatched from me. "Then you don't need this."

I voiced my annoyance before I could stop myself. "Why are you always taking my phone?"

I expected some type of response regarding how people today were much too addicted to electronics, but her response caught me by surprise. "Perhaps I quite enjoy your undivided attention."

I didn't know how to respond to that, but my face went red again. We finished eating and I moved to help clear the dishes, but Isabelle grabbed my forearm gently. "I can do it."

"I don't mind helping," I frowned. "Besides, you made dinner so I insist."

"No." She deadpanned, eyeing me steadily, as she took the dishes from my hand. "I just need to rinse them and load them into the dishwasher. Now be a good girl and go set up the movie for us in the living room. It's on the table."

I nodded without really thinking about how she had worded the request...or order? I just wanted to help with something. I awkwardly hopped on my good foot to follow her instructions. I scowled as I heard amused chuckling from behind me.

Once I entered the room, I saw the DVD she had referred to lying on the glass table in front of the couch. I picked it up and noticed that it was "the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe". I gasped in excitement. I hadn't seen this movie in so long. I quickly set it up and sat down on the couch to wait patiently.

Minutes later, Isabelle came into the room. She had brought a bowl of popcorn and a fuzzy blanket. She smiled mischievously once she made eye contact with me. "Good to see that you are capable of following directions."

I frowned. "What does that mean?"

She simply smiled and sat down next to me. Reaching over for the remote, she placed the bowl of popcorn down in my lap. As she started the movie, I snuggled into the blanket.

We watched in silence for awhile and I knew it was no coincidence when she would "accidentally" grab my hand as we just so happened to both reach for popcorn, but I didn't comment.

I let out a quiet yawn and smiled in content, and to my surprise, she reached over and pulled me into her side. I sat stiffly for several moments until she gently guided my head to rest on her shoulder.

I gave in and didn't pull away. Soon enough, I felt my eyelids getting heavier and beginning to close. Before I tuned out, I swore that I felt another kiss on my forehead, accompanied by a soft "sweet dreams, princess".


Hey everyone!

Hope you enjoyed some romantic time between the two, with plenty of innuendos lol.

Thanks for all the love you're giving this book!

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