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Jungkook awoke in a bright white room.

Where am I?

Why is it so bright?

Did I survive?

Am I in the hospital?

So many thought flew through his head as looked around. The room was vast and he couldn't see the walls. It was blindingly bright, and it only got brighter in front of him.

Jungkook began to walk where it was brightest, until there was a huge flash and he had to shut his eyes to prevent going blind.

When Jungkook opened his eyes he saw a beautiful garden. Flowers upon flowers covered the grass and bushes.


No. No no no no no no no no no.

This is fake.

I survived, I'm just dreaming.

Do not turn around.

The pain in his heart was unbearable as he heard the voice call out to him.

"Jungkook-ah.....turn around, my love."

Tears rolled down his face as he listened to the voice he treasured most in the world.

"N-no. This isn't r-real." His voice trembled as a chest aching sob passed his lips.

"Jungkookie, I-I'm so s-sorry." Jungkook could hear the tears in his voice. "You did make me happy, I just didn't want my life anymore. I couldn't take it, Kookie. I'm sorry, love. Please turn around."

Jungkook slowly turned around and there he was. He looked so beautiful and at peace now.
His beautiful glistening eyes with tears falling onto his cheeks. His plump lips turned up into a soft smile. His hair was no longer a soft brown, but a light blonde.

Jungkook ran to him and picked him up, holding him tightly in his arms, as if he loosened his grip even a little, he would disappear.

"B-baby," Jungkook sobbed harder. "Please don't leave me. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough. I love you. Please don't leave me, hyung, n-not again."

"Oh, Jungkookie," Jimin moved Jungkook's long hair out of his eyes. "You were good enough. You were so much more than good enough. I'm sorry, my love. It was my fault. But you're here with me now, and I'm never gonna leave you. Ever again."

Jungkook leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Jimin's lips. When he pulled away he wiped his eyes and smiled. Jimin smiled the biggest smile he could muster back.

"Come on, Kookie. I have lots to show you. It's beautiful here." Jimin grabbed his hand and started leading him further into the maze of flowers.

"Nothing is more beautiful than you, hyung."

"Aish, you're making me blush, Kookie."

"Did I ever tell you that you look stunning when you blush?"


"Good. Jiminie hyung?"

"Yes, Jungkookie?"

"I love you."

"I love you too, Kookie."

                             The End.

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