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Jimin awoke to his alarm clock. It was his favorite song, Power Up. (All y'all bitches better Stan RV)

He got up, washed his face, brushed his teeth and hair, then changed his bandages. He went to his closet and got a black shirt, a black hoodie, and a black pair of pants. He grabbed his backpack, his phone, and his earbuds, then proceeded to throw his black converse on and sneak out the door.

His mother was either getting ready for work, or had already left, and he really didn't feel like arguing with his mother while she was trying to shove food down his throat.

Jimin put his earbuds in his ears and listened to music while walking to school. Once he arrived, he went straight to his locker and got his books for his lessons. He saw Jungkook along with his friends Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung.

Jungkook went to talk to him, but he immediately turned away and walked into his class.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

Jimin walked into the cafeteria and sat down at his usual abandoned table. He got up to get a water, and when he came back there was Jungkook in all of his handsome glory.

"What do you want?" Jimin asked, slightly irritated.

"Jimin-ssi, why don't you come sit with me and my friends today? I can introduce you to them, and I promise they'll be nice." Jungkook smiled at him.

Jimin immediately answered, "No."

"Please Jimin? Why not?"

Jimin just sat in silence with his head down.

"Do I have to pick you up to make you come? Cause I will Jimin-ssi." Jimin sat there with wide eyes, but eventually shook his head no.

Jungkook led Jimin to a table filled with five other guys and four girls.

"Guys, this is Jimin."

"Oh, trust me, we know who he is. Everyone knows who Park Jimin is." A pretty looking blonde haired girl said.

"Lisa!! Stop it, and be polite," another girl with brown hair said. "Hi, I'm Jennie. I'm sorry for my girlfriend, she can be a prude at times."

"I am not!"

"Are too!"

Jungkook eventually yelled at the two girls. The other girls giggled while some of the guys rolled their eyes.

"Hi, Jimin," A pink haired boy with wide shoulders said. "I'm Seokjin, but just call me Jin hyung."

Jimin nodded silently and sat down awkwardly.

"Awe look! He's shy!" Another boy called out. "I'm Taehyung."

"God damnit, Tae. Stop yelling at the kid. I'm Hoseok."

"Seokie, calm down. You know Taehyung is just loud by nature. I'm Yoongi, by the way."

"Sup, I'm Namjoon."

Jimin nodded and kept his head down.

"You are honestly so precious. I'm Chaeyoung." The girl smiled at him. "Babe, introduce yourself."

Another girl winced in pain after getting elbowed in the ribs and nodded.

"I'm Jisoo."

"So, Jimin, these are my friends. Not the greatest, but they'll have to do." Jungkook said.

"Yah! I'm your hyung you little piece of shit! Respect me!" Jin yelled. He began to rant and hit Jungkook while his face turned red.

Jimin couldn't help but crack a small, closed lipped smile at that. It was the first time in a long time that Jimin sort of felt free and enjoyed lunch break. Maybe Jungkook talking to him wasn't such an awful thing after all.


Hi! This is a pretty long chapter dedicated to one of my most supportive and lovely readers.

Thank you so much, Love!!
I purple you all!!!

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