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This chapter will contain rape! and abuse!
If you are uncomfortable or can't read such things as to personal issues(or any reason at all), there will be exclamation points (!!) at the beginning and end of the following events that take place. Thank you.


Jimin was was walking home after spending time at the library studying for upcoming tests. It was already around 7 to 8 p.m. He was walking with his hoodie pressed tightly against him. Jimin started hearing another pair of footsteps fall into step behind him.

Jimin looked behind him and saw a man walking about a yard away from him. Jimin starting walking faster. He heard the man's footsteps speed up as well, and then he was running. Jimin ran past an alleyway where he felt someone else grab him from inside the alley.


Jimin was slammed against the alley's wall and looked up to see two tall men stare at him.

"Well, well. Look what the cat dropped in. Isn't he cute?" One of the men asked.

The other man smiled down at him creepily. "I think he's gorgeous. We're gonna have fun, huh, sweetheart?"

Jimin's heart began to race. "Please leave me alone." He begged.

"Shut up!" The man slapped him, hard.

Jimin could taste the metallic, salty flavor of blood in his mouth. The other man threw him down to the ground and started kicking his stomach. Jimin groaned and coughed.

"Enough, Lee. I want to feel him now." The man, who slapped him, said.

Jimin whimpered out a "please stop" before the man yanked his head up by his hair.

"Shut it, slut!" The man yanked his pants down while the other man, Lee, held Jimin down after ripping the screaming boy's pants and underwear off.

Lee took out a knife and sliced a cut through the skin on Jimin's cheek. "He said shut up!"

The other man shoved his length into Jimin's hole. The boy helplessly sobbed while feeling as if he was being ripped in half. The man curled his hand around Jimin's throat and squeezed, not enough to knock him out, but enough to have Jimin gasp for air as he sobbed. Jimin felt blood dripping down his ass and thighs.

"Fuck, he's tight," The man moaned. After a few more thrust he pulled out and came in Jimin's mouth. "Swallow, you dirty bitch."

Jimin was forced to swallow the man's cum as the other man, Lee, yanked his pants down and pushed his length into Jimin.

The boy screamed in agony once again, but not only from the sudden intrusion, but also from the other man carving into Jimin's skin with the knife.

Lee moaned and groaned as the other man began chuckling while slicing through Jimin's skin. Jimin couldn't do anything except scream and cry in pain. He was surprised that no one has heard him from how loud he was.

"I told you to stop screaming, you fucking cunt!" The man stopped cutting him and began to slap him and punch him in the stomach. Jimin bit his lip to keep his screams in.

Lee pulled out and came on the floor and pulled his pants up. Both men got up and began kicking Jimin in the stomach, once again.

Jimin began to cough and felt blood drip out of his mouth. The men eventually grew bored and left.


Jimin didn't know what to do. He managed to pull his pants on and reached out to grab his bag. He reached in and brought his phone to his face. He couldn't go home, not like this. So, he called the only person he thought could help.

Ring! Ring!


"J-jungkook ah...."


"H-help me."

*Jungkook's POV*

I ran out to my car and began to search for Jimin. I drove around until I found a deserted alleyway a couple blocks from the library, like Jimin had described.

I parked and ran in to see a figure lying on the floor. I ran up to the figure and saw Jimin...... then my heart stopped.

Jimin was out cold. He had a cut on his cheek and blood dripping out his mouth. I looked down to his arms to see his sleeve rolled up. His arm had blood rolling down it. I studied the wound and saw that someone had carved the word 'slut' into his arm. I kneeled down to gather Jimin into my arms.

Jimin groaned in pain. I grabbed his bag and phone as well and drove him to my apartment. I really wanted to take him to the hospital, but he made me swear that I wouldn't.

I carried Jimin in and lied him down on the couch. I ran to the bathroom and got supplies to treat his wounds. After I had finished, I wrapped his arm in bandages. I picked him up and carried him to my bed. He woke up and began to panic.

*Author's POV*

"Don't touch me!" Jimin sobbed. He tried to get up, but collapsed in pain. He dragged himself to the corner and pulled his knees to his chest.

"Jimin! Jimin, it's me, Jungkook!" Jungkook walked over to the shaking boy and reached out.

"No! Please, stop! I'll do anything, just please stop! PLEASE!" Jimin wailed.

"Ok, ok. I'm going to the couch. If you need anything, come get me. Okay?" Jungkook backed away with his hands up and only got broken sobs as a response.

Jungkook didn't know what exactly happened, but he was so angry. Who would want to hurt Jimin?! The angry boy began to drift off to sleep, when he heard a loud crash from inside the bathroom.

Jungkook was suddenly wide awake and bolted to the bathroom door. He heard Jimin sobbing from inside. He tried opening the door, only to find it locked.

"Jimin? JIMIN?! Open the door!" Jungkook pounded on the door, trying desperately to convince the sobbing boy to open it.

"Leave me alone. I want to die! I want to die, I want to die!" The boy sobbed from inside.

"Jimin, open the goddamn door!" Jungkook began ramming his shoulder into the door. The door began to creak and groan from the force of his tall, muscular body until it burst open.

Jimin was sitting on the floor. Jungkook's mirror was broken and Jimin was slicing into his wrist, getting deeper with each cut. Jungkook ran to him and slapped the glass out of his hands. He pulled Jimin to his chest.

"No, stop! I WANT TO DIE!" Jimin sobbed, hitting Jungkook's chest.

"No, Jimin. I'm sorry, so so sorry," Jungkook spoke softly to Jimin, rocking him back and forth. "Jimin, what happened?"

Jimin began to sob harder, if that was possible. "They raped me, Jungkook-ah! They raped me..."

Jungkook let his tears fall as he kept rocking the boy back and forth. He sat there, crying silently, and comforted the sobbing boy in his arms.

"I'm sorry, Jimin-ah. I'm so fucking sorry...."

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