"I can't sleep without it."

She turned the bottle over in her hand, reading the label.

"Temazepam? That's hardcore. How long have you been taking these?"

I shrugged.

"Not sure, midsummer sometime?"

She shook her head.

"You should only take this for a month or two, max. They're highly addictive."


"So, you could get addicted. The longer you take them, the more you need to take for the same effect. You could overdose." She put the bottle back on the table.

"I'm not worried about that."

"Why not?"

"Does it matter?"

She shrugged.

"It could."

I sighed, rolling back onto my back.

"Turn the light off."

She walked towards my door, turning the light off before returning to my side.

"Look up." My voice was barely a whisper as I stared at my ceiling, thousands of glow in the dark stars racing across the roof.

"It's beautiful." I glanced at her, the stars illuminating her face, a smile on her lips as she looked up.

"Want to sit down? I won't try anything, Scouts honor."

She walked to the other side of my bed, lying down next to me.

"Didn't peg you for a Boy Scout." She muttered, still staring at the ceiling.

"I'm not. Just thought it sounded better."

We sat in silence for awhile, but it was one of those nice silences, one that lacked awkwardness.

"Why'd you put stars on your ceiling?" She asked, still not taking her eyes off of them.

"When I was younger, I couldn't sleep because I was afraid of the dark. My mom tried to get me a night light but I thought that only girls needed those, so she got stars instead. Ever since then, I couldn't sleep unless there was a sky full of stars above me. I've never told anyone that before."

She was silent for a moment.

"Well shit, didn't expect that kind of answer from you."

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"Kind of just assumed you were nothing more than a heartless party boy. No offense."

"Well, you know what happens when you assume." You make an ass out of you and me, I thought to myself. She laughed a little at my bad joke, and I swear it was only 50% pity.

"What's your name, anyways?" She asked, looking at me for the first time since she laid down.

"Xander. You?"

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