Author's Notes

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Original Publish Date: October 11, 2014

Original Publish Medium: Personal Blog [Edge of Night]

Revised From Original? A few touches here and there.

Time is a crazy thing. It can feel endless, infinite, eternal -- and at the very same time, it's precious, priceless, and in short supply. It passes in an instant. While that means that, eventually, all good things come to an end, so, too, must all unpleasant things. And, if you look hard enough, even if you have to look really, really, close, you'll always find a bit of both in there... Always.

That describes our lives in a nutshell. Good and bad in everything we do, everywhere we go. None of us -- not one -- are perfect. You're probably always going to have regrets at the end of your stay on Earth, but every choice you've made in life has brought you to where you are now. Are you happy enough with it? Would you really have done anything differently? Lost the strength gained from hardships, the lessons learned from failures, the happiness found in those tiny, unexpected successes?

What would have happened, if that one day... you turned left, instead of right?

Thumbs up if you got that reference up there. This is another old poem from October 2014 that, apparently, was literally written in a day (going by the dates between this and the previous, "Winter's Light"). I would've chosen many a different word had I written this more recently, but it has been left largely unchanged these last few years, with only minor alterations. Can't quite tell if that puts it on the "good" or the "bad" side of things...

Original cover image via Pixabay.

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