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It flows forward, never backward -

Always moving, always here.

It holds secrets from us all,

And fills us all with fear.

Time is relentless, its tide never ceasing;

Forever up, unending downs,

But for you it is decreasing.

The currents of time swept you far,

But now you're reminiscing;

There you were, now here you are,

Where has the time all gone?

Time's gone by, but still to come,

Until your ride is done;

You've had your chance,

You've used your time,

Now you're released -

How did you do? What did you see?

You should be very pleased.


Time is a guardian,

The keeper of our lives.

Tragedies befall us, the pain as sharp as knives;

But time keeps us going, where else we may have stopped -

It heals our wounds and buries the scars

Of a life doubtless topped.

Be proud of what you've done,

Regardless of the scale;

Cherish all the fun,

And enjoy sharing your tale.

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