Malec:Sick Valentine

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Based on either book or TV show.
Alec wakes up feeling excited, today was Valantines day,and it was his FIRST with his boyfriend Magnus Bane.
He gets out of bed and got dressed into a tuxedo with a bow tie,(he needs to look after Magnus and be a true gentlemen.)He finishes his bow tie up and his phone started to ring, it was Magnus!
Alec didn't hesitate to answer "MAGNUS!"he smiles widely as he answers the phone.
Alec heard coughing from the other side of the phone "Alexander Valantines day is cancelled achoo!"Magnus sneezed harshly and his voice sounded strained.
"Baby what's wrong?"Alec asked concerned.
"I'm sick Alexander,"Magnus replied voice still sounding strained.
"You poor thing let me come over ill..."Alec was cut off "NO!"Magnus voice strained even more and hung up on him...

Alec didn't care what Magnus said (well he did but Alecs going to look after him no matter what)he immediately ran to the kitchen and immeditaly started to bake his famous pie with superb pastry and a sweet filling of Strawberries and raspberries perfect for Valantines day and a get well treat.
"Ooh pie,"Jace walks into the kitchen.
"Hands off Jace this is for Magnus,"Alec said slapping his hands away from his master piece.
"Why not?"Jace asked.
"Because I'm not your bitch!"Alec replied "aren't you supposed to be spending time with Clary?"he asked.
"Shit!"Jace ran out of the kitchen and Alec laughs, typical Jace.

As soon as his pie was baked he wrapped it in some tin foil and went to get his presents together:A picture of Alec and Magnus and a tape with their playlist on it he spent hours choosing the right songs for them.
Alec was soon ready to go and look after his boyfriend.
He opens the door to Magnus's apartment with a spare key Magnus had gave him and enters his apartment.
"HELLOOOO! "he calls.
He walks into the lounge and sees Cats Everywhere! (He never had this many cats Alec thought) and Magnus asleep on the sofa.

Alec smirks seeing Magnus asleep he was so cute when he was asleep he walks over to him and kisses him on the cheek "wake up,"he whispers.
Magnus opens his eyes and smiles seeing Alec "Alexander...Alec?"Magnus looks at him confused ''I told you to not come today!"
Alec rolls his eyes "it's Valantines day Magnus I needed to see you and look after you,"Alec replied.
"But...but.."Alec cuts him off
"No I'm staying I spent ages making you pie,"
"Pie?"Magnus asked.
"Yes pie the way you like it,"Alec replied.
"Golden pastry with a sweet filling of strawberries and raspberries?"he asked.
"Yes,''Alec said simply smirking as it's Magnus's weakness.
"I love your pie!"Magnus said smiling widely.
"So I can stay?"Alec asked.
"OF COURSE!but I warn you when I'm ill it's a lot different to when others are ill,"Magnus said.
"Like cats appearing?"Alec asked chuckling.
Magnus looks at the room "oh...yeah,"he snaps his fingers and all the cats disapear apart from Church and Chairman meow.
"Come to daddy,"he cooed at the two cats.
The two cats crawl to Magnus and lie down by Magnus's feet.
"I've got you presents!"Alec said walking over to Magnus with his bag full of gifts.
"Oh Alexander you shouldn't have!"Magnus looked delited "I've got you presents too!"Magnus sounded so excited he clicked his fingers and a bag appeard with Alecs presents.
The two of them opened their presents together and they loved them Alec got a picture if Magnus and Alec and a tape of songs too!
Magnus laughed as he opens his presents "I love them! "He said hugging Alec.
"I love mine too!"Alec replied hugging him back "what a considence,''
"Shows we're truly in love and ment to be,"Magnus said.

Magnus let's out a terrible sneeze and a pink cat with a fancy hat was in Alecs arms.
"Sorry,"Magnus croaked.
"It's okay baby,"Alec said.
Magnus clicked his fingers and the cat disapeard.
Alec puts on Magnus's tape and war of hearts by ruelle begins to play "let's have some pie shall we?"he asked.
Magnus nods and Alec dishes up the pie to each of them they cuddled with each other ad eating their pie .
"This is delicious,"Magnus said with raspberries and strawberries around his mouth.
Alec laughs "you have it all over your face,"
"Do I ?"Magnus asked . Alec wipes the stickiness off of Magnus and leans for a kiss but Magnus pulls away.

"Magnus what's wrong?"Alec asked,Magnus never missed the chance to kiss him ever!
"I can't kiss you..."he replied sadly.
"Why not?"Alec asked.
"Because I'm ill and you can get ill,"Magnus replied showing his cat eyes with sadness.
"Aww Magnus,"Alec places his hand on his cheek "I won't get ill if I do you'll look after me,"he said with a smile.
Magnus smiles his cat eyes showing happiness "you are beautiful you know that?"Alec asked.
"You're beautiful Alexander,''Magnus replied his cat eyes fade and they both lean in and kiss.

"This is the best Valantines day ever even if I'm sick,"Magnus laughs.
"Mine too,hey want to watch a film?"Alec asked.
"Alexander I'd love too,''Magnus replied.
"We have a choice:the fault in our stars or Titanic? "Alec asked.
"Both?"Magnus asked hopefully.
Alec laughed "both it is,...I love you Magnus"
"I love you too Alexander,"
Eversince that day Alec and Magnus loved Valantines day and they both agreed to never cancel it if they are ill or not.

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