003. unusual phone calls

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unusual phone calls

"SO WHAT do you think?" Bryony stared silently around Paul's room, half of her was still terrified that a new, unknown, vampire was now hunting her and the other was memorised that she was literally standing in Paul Lahote's bedroom.

She licked her lips and allowed her eyes to wander over the walls that were covered in an assortment of graphic posters, "not what I expected."

Paul sent her a look as he jumped onto his bed, Bryony didn't move from the doorframe, her mossy eyes narrowed onto the pile of dirty clothes in the corner, he reached for a packet of crisps on his bedside table, "what were you expecting," he laughed as he stuffed a handful of crisps into his mouth, "a kennel?"

Bryony hesitated smiling sheepishly, "Not quite," She noticed how all the windows in the house were open, wolves are hot, his room was bare, there was just a double bed and a table, a few comic books scattered the floor and a heap of clothes filled a corner, Bryony couldn't breathe, she was so used to being in an open space, but this was cramped and cozy, she watched as Paul smirked, he too thought it was cozy.

"It's not much," he shrugged nonchalantly, "but I'm never in here I'm always out, I go to sleep, but that's the only time I'm ever in here."

Bryony nodded, making her way over to Paul, she sat timidly next to him, "A bit like the Cullen's they don't have beds because they don't sleep."

Paul grimaced slightly, "I swear you're obsessed with the Cullen's, they're all you ever talk about." Bryony sent him a questioning glare, "I do apologise if the only thing I talk about is vampires, I will try and find something more entertaining next time."

He nudged her, throwing the now empty crisp packet on the floor, Bryony followed the action, wrinkling her nose at the boys lack of manners, "Sorry," he grinned, "I guess you could say I was raised in a barn, being a wolf an' all."

She rolled her eyes, leaning her head on his shoulder, as annoying and impulsive as Paul was, he let her forget about everything, he was her only source of comfort when everything else in the world was going wrong.

He lifted her head up so they were facing each other, "You know you're safe here with me, no one can hurt you," he smirked, "well Embry might hurt your ears when he sings in the shower, but other then that-."

It was now Bryony's turn to silence Paul's rambling with a kiss, she blushed into it, her touch being gentle albeit desperate, she went to pull away, but Paul's hand found her neck and he brought her closer, the two stayed there in silence never releasing each other until they had to pull away to breathe.

Paul spoke first, grinning cheekily as he leaned back and rested his head on the wall, "I know I'm too good to resist, but some warning next time."

Bryony hit him gently on the arm, "You're so arrogant you know? I'm taking my my kiss back." Paul responded with a smirk, "sorry I offer a no refund policy."

Bryony rolled her eyes at her annoying wolf, casting a cautious glance at her watch, "it's late," she murmured, thankful she didn't have school the next day, she looked awkwardly at her outfit, knowing fine well she wouldn't be able to sleep in it, "Paul," she started gently, "have you got anything I could change into?"

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