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The moon began to rise, full and low in the sky. A light breeze caressed the forest trees, the rustling of leaves spreading calmly through the night. It was quiet, the nocturnal creatures emerging slowly from their homes to scavenge. The sudden crack of a twig underfoot sent them scrambling for cover. The Doctor's red canvas shoes stood out starkly against the dark undergrowth, his coat occasionally sticking to twigs and brambles. He walked slow, each step feeling heavy and far-away. His hearts pounded slightly faster than usual in his chest. He became aware of this as he navigated his way through the forest. This new feeling was taking him longer to overcome than he originally thought. It wasn't fear exactly, he'd felt his fair share of that in his long lifetime. It was more like the feeling that he had no control over what he was doing, what was happening to him and around him. And that scared him to hell. He chuckled out loud, somewhat amused at his brain's usage of the word hell, now taking on a whole new meaning as he considered his new and recent experiences with the literal devil himself. The Doctor fidgeted nervously with something in his pocket as he approached a clearing in the bushes and trees. He paused, steeling himself, before making a notable change in his demeanour, striding confidently forward to the middle of the wide space. He cleared his throat loudly and began to speak, looking to the naked eye that he was addressing no one at all, but The Doctor himself knowing better.

"Hey... err, Lucifer? It's The Doctor... hello again," he suddenly felt very stupid, but he projected his voice with purpose, a slight echo returning to him as he spoke. "I don't know if I'm doing this right, but I hope you can hear me. Listen, I think we got off on the wrong foot, and I'd like to remedy that, if you'd let me. You see, your proposal is an interesting one, and I'd like to discuss it further if it – please...you..." he finished dumbly, listening to the silence that followed his hastily assembled monologue. He allowed for a few moments of quiet, then continued, his boldness growing by the second.

"Come on, Luci! I thought you wanted to be friends with me!" The Doctor's voice grew to a yell, sending a small family of birds winging hastily from a nearby tree in alarm. He raised his arms slightly, pivoting in a circle where he stood. "Must be hard to keep friends, you know, what with you being Satan and all. I imagine that puts a slight damper on your relationships." At this, a soft whoosh resounded throughout the forest before a familiar voice spoke from behind him.

"You have no idea." The Doctor turned. Lucifer was sitting on the stump of a tree on the edge of the clearing, one leg crossed over the other and his faced cupped by one hand, as if he was discussing the latest gossip. "I'm glad that our previous meeting wasn't our last."

"A-absolutely!" The Doctor's voice cracked slightly in his hurry to answer enthusiastically. He coughed quickly in an attempt to cover it up. "I've been thinking a lot about your...idea."

"Oh, yes?" Lucifer leaned forward, his eyes flashing like a crimson coin in the sun. The Doctor gulped.

"Yes, marvellous plan, really inspired. I mean, it's a common request people ask of me, not to say that your version isn't obviously the best, no offence or anyth-"

"You're rambling." Lucifer's voice lowered to an almost growl of warning as he stood.

"Right! Yes, of course, sorry." The Doctor inwardly scolded his nervous mouth. Lucifer's approach was slow and deliberate, causing The Doctor's heart(s) rate to heighten as he grew closer.

"So. You've been thinking about my... inspired idea. What I want, what you want, how we can both benefit from this partnership, correct?" All at once The Doctor couldn't bring himself to speak, so he nodded lamely. "And you know that I want that pretty blue box of yours for me – for us to conquer the furthest reaches of the universe." Another nod. "And you come to me, now, to inform me that you agree to these terms?" Lucifer stopped in front of The Doctor, who scooped up every ounce of his inner courage for his next words.

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