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"Cas, all I'm saying is, just because you don't have to eat, doesn't mean you can't." Dean whined at Castiel from the other side of an enormous stack of pancakes.

"Do all your emotions stem from food?" The Doctor piped up from his seat in the corner of the room, surrounded by books detailing the supernatural. Dean shot him an icy glare.

"Shut it, skinny." This caused The Doctor to smirk before returning to reading through his black-rimmed reading glasses.

"...Guys? It's too early for this crap," Sam emerged from the corridor, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Dean, leave Cas alone, would you?"

"Don't worry, Sam." Castiel spoke. Dean's face lit up as he watched him grab the plate from the middle of the table and pull the pancakes toward him. He took in a deep breath, eyes closed. "It certainly smells...pleasurable." Dean let out a sharp bark of laughter.

"Dude, word choice." Castiel flushed, embarrassed, but Dean clicked his fingers hurriedly in front of his face. "Come on, then, no time like the present!" Looking obviously uncomfortable under everyone's gaze, Castiel slowly lifted the fork to his mouth and took a bite. The Doctor slowly raised his head to watch. Dean crossed his arms, impatient.

"Well?" He pressed. Castiel swallowed tentatively.

"Is this what humans call...sweet?" he asked, and Dean nodded excitedly. "I think I like it," he concluded.

"Yes!" Sam rolled his eyes as his brother punched the air triumphantly. "That's good, cause I would've disowned you otherwise," Dean grinned. Castiel seemed alarmed for a moment before he realised the joke and relaxed. The morning passed slowly and quietly after that, the sun warming the ground outside and clear bird-song piercing the misty air until there was movement in the bunker once again. Sam and Dean bustled around preparing to leave, while The Doctor remained in his corner, eyes glued to one of the many books piled around him.

"Werewolves, huh? I fought some werewolf monks with Queen Victoria once," he mused casually. Dean walked past, jacket half hanging off his shoulders. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, a bemused look upon his face which made The Doctor chuckle. Dean shook his head and returned to his authoritative state, shrugging on his jacket and grabbing the car keys from the table.

"Be at the car in five, I wanna get going." The Doctor jumped up.

"I could take you guys, it would only take a second." Dean stared at him.

"Yeah, but imagine what any sane person would think when that hunk of wood showed up in their backyard." He shoved his hands deep into his coat. "Plus, I want to relive that experience as little as possible." He turned to leave the room, Cas scurrying after him. Sam followed, but not before whispering to The Doctor:

"He's got a thing about flying," Sam smiled empathetically.

"Shut it!" Dean called down the hallway.


The Impala's wheels crunched against gravel as Dean eased it up the driveway before killing the engine. Sam and Dean exited the front, while Castiel climbed awkwardly out of the back seat.

"You know, you could have just... 'angeled' your way here, Cas." Dean said. Castiel nodded in agreement.

"I know. I like to...observe...as much human interaction as I can. That way, I can assimilate my behaviour to match it." Halfway through Castiel's sentence, it was clear that Dean had stopped listening, turning to stride up the pathway towards the house they had arrived at.

"Whatever, nerd." Castiel smiled slightly, as if taking the statement as a compliment rather than a jab at his character. The three of them reached the door, and Dean knocked. They stood in silence for a moment before the door opened just a crack. Through it, a girl's face appeared. A blue eye stared at them through waves of messy blonde hair.

"We don't want any," She said, smirking, and began to close the door.

"Cut the crap, Claire." Dean complained, stopping the door from closing with his foot. He used his strength to his advantage as he leant against the wood, sending Claire stumbling back slightly with a pout on her face. It changed to a mischievous grin, however, when Dean clapped her on the shoulder.

"Hi Dean, Sam." She nodded warmly at them both, before her face darkened at the sight of Castiel behind them. He lowered his head, as if in shame. "Castiel," Claire greeted him coldly.

"Hi, Claire." Castiel nodded meekly at the floor. Everyone looked a little uncomfortable for a moment in the tense-filled doorway. Dean coughed, eager to move on from the less-than-warm welcome his friend had received. "How've you been?" He asked. Claire shrugged.

"Same as always." She raised her hand to brush the hair out of her face, and Sam's eyes narrowed.

"What happened?" Claire's sleeve had ridden up to reveal three scratches on her wrist, the crimson red standing out against her fair skin. She quickly pulled her sleeve down, eyes cast to the floor.

"Nothing, just a werewolf who got a little handsy." She said dismissively, as though they were discussing weekend plans. Dean lowered his voice concernedly.

"What about Jodie? Does she know?" Claire rolled his eyes at him.

"No, Mom. And I'll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs." She teased, her voice airy. Dean looked at her, reprimanding, but was interrupted before he could grill her any longer.

"I don't know what?" all heads turned as a woman stood in the corridor, hands on her hips. Her short dark hair, eyes and stern expression all contributed towards a look of clear authority as she strode down the hallway towards them. Dean cleared his throat sheepishly, as though he were a child again, and being scolded by his mother.

"Uh, nothing... ma'am." He stumbled over his words clumsily. She stared for a moment, but it didn't take long for Jodie's face to soften before pulling Dean into a bone-crushing hug.

"Gee it's good to see you boys." She said fondly.

"Nice to see you too, Jodie." Dean wheezed over her shoulder. She released him, then did the same to Sam and Castiel.

"Well, come on in." She motioned behind her and began to retreat into the house. "And don't you get mud on the carpet!" She snapped back, causing the three boys to guiltily check the soles of their shoes before treading lightly into the warm and welcoming home of Jodie Mills. 

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