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I guess now is as good a time as any to say thanks to the people reading this! I don't really know who you are, but I appreciate all of you ^_^ xxx

The soft hum of the Impala served as white noise as the company of four rode through the night. The shadowy trees lining the road blurred around them, and the two headlights pierced the blackness.

"For such a primitive mode of transportation, there is certainly something appealing about it." The Doctor sighed contentedly as he looked out the window. It had taken some forceful coaxing on Sam and Dean's part to get The Doctor to willingly travel with them. It would be 'humbling', they had said. It was sort of true, he thought, leaning up against the window. Travelling like the humans he spent so much time around felt...nice. Almost like he was one of them; he could leave the 'loner', the 'outcast' side of him behind, if only for a little while. It was freeing, even though he was stuck in a car with three other people.

Castiel smiled slightly to himself from the back seat next to The Doctor, the darkness covering it up. So rarely was he able to relate to someone, it felt strange when he did. Strange, but good. Even though he had the ability to literally teleport to most locations, he often chose to ride with Sam and Dean. Not only did he enjoy the company, he loved the calming effect driving had on him, especially at night. The soft rumble of the engine, the vibration of the seats, sound of the tires on the wet road. It definitely had its charms as opposed to appearing in a new place by no more than wishing it so.

"Told you," Dean said teasingly from the wheel. He would occasionally engage in conversation, though he kept his eyes steadily on the long, straight road ahead. Sam sat next to him in the passenger's seat, poring through their leather-bound notebook, the sound of turning pages adding to the soothing mix of sounds. Despite the comfortable silence between them however, there was still a small bit of anxiety gnawing away at The Doctor's insides. He leaned forward in his seat.

"So, what is it we're doing exactly?" Sam cleared his throat.

"Well, since we've already seen what these particular vampires are doing to their victims, our next best bet is to go check out the nest. We've been there before, so at least we don't have to find the place." He said, eyes still on his book. The Doctor paused, not feeling reassured.

"And that's...dangerous, I'm assuming."

"Could be, yeah. We stick together and stay on guard, got it?" Dean spoke up authoritatively. The Doctor nodded, falling back into his seat with a sigh. He had faced dangers before, and was certainly no stranger to violence, even death. So why did he feel so uneasy? This pit in his stomach was unfamiliar to him. Maybe it was the fact that this time, he wasn't the confident leader he was used to playing. He was used to taking his fear and turning it into action. Maybe taking the back seat with this one (literally) wasn't giving him his normal outlet he needed to distract himself from how dangerous the danger really was. Maybe it was just a bad feeling, he reasoned with himself. Or maybe it's something worse, the other voice retorted ominously. The Doctor rubbed his face frustratedly. He felt Castiel breathe deeply beside him, as if he could sense his distress. The Doctor's bad mood lessened slightly. He returned to watching the world pass by his window, silently thankful for the company he had in that moment.

The rest of the drive went by in silence. The smooth road gave way to course gravel, then dirt as they turned down a clearly neglected driveway. The Impala shuddered slightly before coming to a stop before a clearing nestled behind a wall of trees. Along the path a little, the dark shadow of a building could just be seen with the naked eye, outlined against the ghostly wood.

"All the no-no signs for a perfect horror movie! My favourite." The Doctor exclaimed sarcastically as the four of them got out of the car. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Can you try and be a little less like me? It's unnerving. I'm supposed to be the cool witty one." He said, walking around to the trunk.

"That could be debatable." Castiel rebutted cheekily, hands in his pockets. Dean groaned.

"Aw, come on, not you too!" Sam watched their antics, smiling. It was nice to see his brother this way. With their job, they were hard pressed to find moments like these. Where it didn't feel like it was just them against all the evil in the world. Dean popped open the trunk, and the moment ended. Inside, it was an unorganised mess of different knives, guns, and an array of tattered books. Sitting in the corner was an unusually large box of table salt. The Doctor peered over Dean's shoulder in curiosity.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing to a large symbol painted on the underside of the trunk. It looked similar to a pentagram, however five other strange symbols unknown to him were placed between each point.

"Devil's trap," Dean replied as if it were perfectly normal to have a pentagram drawn on the inside of one's car. "We had to transport a demon once, and like hell I was gonna let him sit in my car. It turned out to be pretty useful so we kept it there. Here," he turned to face The Doctor, holding out a long, sharp, nasty-looking blade. The Doctor visibly recoiled, as if it were him about to be attacked.

"No. No way." His tone was almost pleading, his hands held out in front of him. Dean looked apologetic.

"Fine. We'll compromise." He grabbed a small handgun from the trunk. The Doctor laughed nervously.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better!?"

"The bullets are coated in dead man's blood. It won't kill 'em, just slow them down. Then you can leave the rest to us." The Doctor glared at Dean, his eyes flitting from him to the gun in his outstretched hand. Dean waited patiently. After what felt like a full minute, The Doctor slowly reached out his hand. He took the gun gingerly, as if it was about to bite him, then stowed it inside his coat. He looked seriously at Dean.

"I am not using this." He said defiantly. Dean opened his mouth as if to protest, then thought better of it. Right now, The Doctor was not to be reasoned with, and Dean feared that his stubbornness towards weapons would eventually be his downfall.

"Sam." Dean caught his brothers' attention before throwing a machete his way. Sam reached out and caught it skilfully with one hand. He looked around at the small group.

"Ready?" The Doctor squared his shoulders and nodded. He could do this. They began walking into the darkness toward the looming barn in formation: Sam and Dean leading out front, The Doctor scurrying close behind, with Castiel bringing up the rear. They walked in silence, watching the derelict building draw closer with each step. Jagged glass circled the window frames like broken teeth, rotten red-painted wood peeling down the walls. Their pace slowed as they approached the double doors. A heavy padlock hung from the handles. Without much more than a second thought, Dean raised his foot as if to kick the door in.

"Dean! What're you doing?" Sam hissed in a low whisper. "If there's anyone in there you'll bring them all down on us, you idiot!" Dean lowered his foot sheepishly.

"Uh, sorry." The Doctor reached into his pocket and pulled out his sonic, stretching out his arm between them to use it on the lock.

"Can...uh, can I use it again?" Dean asked tentatively. The Doctor handed it to him and smirked as he watched Dean's eyes light up like a kid on Christmas morning. The lock made a metallic clink, the chains snaking off the handles and onto the dusty floor.

"Dean." Hardly a step inside, they turned back to see Castiel standing rooted to the spot, looking pained.

"Cas? What's up?" Dean sounded worried.

"Warding," Castiel replied, screwing his face up as if he were concentrating extremely hard. "I can't go inside." Sam and Dean looked at each other.

"What kind of Vampire wards against angels? Sam questioned aloud. Dean shrugged.

"Don't let me stop you," Castiel said earnestly. "You guys go on, I'll keep a lookout out here."

"You're sure?" Dean's eyebrows furrowed in uncertainty.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just keep the door unlocked." Sam nodded to show he understood. A few encouraging words and shoulder-pats later, Dean was advancing into the darkness beyond the door, followed by Sam and The Doctor. Now left in silence with his back to the wall, Castiel turned to face the moonlit forest behind them, keeping a watchful, protective eye over his surroundings lying still and calm in the eerie night. 

WhoNautral - 10th Doctor/SupernaturalWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu