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Dean's staggered breathing and rapid heartbeat pounding in his ears was all he could hear as he, like his companions, stared in horror at the entrance to the bunker's basement. He felt strangely overwhelmed by an intense fear of what was out there, something he had never seen. A fear of the unknown. They'd faced monsters before, demons, even the end of the world. But for all these horrors there had been a way to deal with them, a book they could read, a weakness to utilize. This time though, they were completely blind, save for the strange man alongside them that had arrived in his strange blue box.

"We have to get out of here," Dean breathed harshly and began hurriedly examining the walls of the small dark room, as if to find some miraculous secret opening, anything to prevent them from facing what was out there. Sam stepped forward, placing a hand on his shoulder and pulling Dean to face him.

"The walls are nothing but thick concrete down here, we're not gonna break out that way."

"Well we have to do something, we're practically sitting ducks in here!" Dean raised his voice, the sound echoing around the basement. The Doctor stepped forward.

"Just calm down, panicking isn't going to help us right now." He said seriously. This didn't sit well with Dean however, who squared up to The Doctor and prodded a finger into his chest, causing him to stumble back slightly.

"Calm down? You don't get to tell me to calm down when you show up out of nowhere and bring all this crap down on our home!" The Doctor looked stung, like he had just been slapped in the face.

"I-I'm sorry, I've just been trying to-"

"To help?" Dean scoffed nastily. "Well, you've done a fantastic job so far, thanks a bunch." He didn't hold back his sarcasm as he vented his frustrations. The Doctor didn't attempt to defend himself, casting his eyes towards the floor, almost in shame. Dean opened his mouth to continue.

"Dean! That's enough." Said Sam sharply. He used his height to his advantage, causing Dean to back away from The Doctor, a look of defeat upon his face. Once a considerable distance away, Sam lowered his voice to address his brother. "You are not helping." Dean huffed in protest, passing a hand over his face. Sam hunched his shoulders slightly in order to look his elder brother in the eyes. "I get that you're scared right now. I'm scared too." Dean's vicious stubbornness took hold of him.

"I'm not-"

"But right now," Sam ignored Dean's defiance. "We need to calm down, and focus. Alright? We're all gonna find a way to get out of this bunker." He glanced back at The Doctor pointedly. "All of us. Got it?" Dean finally conceded, nodding ever so slightly. Then someone who hadn't made a sound in quite a while spoke up.

"Dean?" Castiel's voice sounded the same as always, except for a nervous quiver that was ever so slight. All eyes in the room turned to him, making his shift uncomfortably where he stood. He pointed upwards with one hand, to the back-right corner of the room. There was a grill guarding the entrance to an air-vent. "The ventilation shafts are sure to lead outside," Castiel offered quietly. Before anyone could reply, a second metallic bang shook the very room they were in. It sounded closer this time, up against the large iron door they were hiding behind. Rather than scare Dean, as it had the first time, it seemed to jolt him into action.

"Well, there's no time to try anything else, so I'm gonna roll with that," He hurried to the small table and pulled it across the room and into the corner.

"Dean, are you sure...?" Sam worried as he watched his brother scrabble around on one of the bookshelves.

"Well, your ass certainly isn't gonna fit up there, that's for sure." He smirked as he retrieved a small flashlight from a shelf. Now that a plan was in action, Dean's snarky attitude had returned. He felt considerably better about a situation once he was making a move. He jumped up onto the table and tried to rip off the metal grate. He strained for some time, grunting with effort, but it wouldn't give. Just before he was about to try again, The Doctor whistled through his teeth to grab his attention.

"Here, use this." His voice had lost a significant amount of confidence since being confronted by Dean, however he smiled slightly as he extracted his strange device for the third time, and threw it. It spun end over end through the air, Dean quickly reaching out both hands to catch it. He examined it awkwardly.

"Uh, how exactly am I supposed to use this?"

"Just..." The Doctor gestured to the metal grate. "Point and think."

"Point and think..." Dean mumbled to himself as he aimed the sonic screwdriver at one end of the vent covering and clicked the only button on it. The blue light on the end came to life, whirring softly. A moment later, a loud clunk was heard, before the grate swung open, held on by its hinges. Dean marvelled for a moment at the device in his hand.

"Did...I just do that?" He asked, to no one in particular.

"Yep." Said The Doctor brightly, his former self returning slightly as he saw he did something helpful.

"Awesome," Dean grinned, but was shaken out of his thoughts by a poignant cough from Sam.

"Alright, alright." He threw the sonic screwdriver back to The Doctor, who caught it deftly with one hand. He then removed his thick leather jacket, exposing a white t-shirt underneath. He threw his coat to Castiel for him to catch. "You look after that with your life." Castiel nodded, deadpan, and Dean gave him an almost undetectable wink in reply. He finally lifted his arms and hoisted himself up into the vent in one swift movement, and stuck his head out one last time to address the group. "If I'm not back in ten minutes," He urged seriously. "Just wait longer." Dean finished with a cheeky grin before pulling his head back. Small thuds could be heard as dean began to crawl away from them.

"Good luck," Sam called after him.

"And be careful!" Castiel raised his voice louder for Dean to hear.

"Yeah, yeah, okay mom." Dean's sarcastic comment came echoing through the vent, making Cas smile and breaking through some of the anxiety in the room. Sam sighed and slid down the wall to sit on the floor, facing the door. The Doctor did the same, twirling his sonic screwdriver between his fingers, just so that he could do something to occupy his hands. Castiel remained standing, his eyes moving in a steady pattern from the door to his two remaining companions, a silent protector, observing the most minute movements and sounds.

Now all there was left to do was wait. 

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