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All was quiet inside the TARDIS, save for the rhythmic hum emanating from its walls. Four intruders stood towering over the complex control panel, malicious intent spread across their frozen features. The Doctor, however, was watching. He stood in the shadows on the edge of the room, leaning up against a pillar with his arms crossed.

"Nice turnout," His voice bounced around the empty space. "This all of you?" As if in response to his words, the lights illuminating the room flickered and died, plunging the TARDIS into blackness. "Aw, come on, don't be like that," The Doctor pouted jokingly, though he pushed himself up and shuffled back a few paces. "Don't you want to know how I got in here?" He called into the darkness. A few moments later, light returned. The angel's heads had moved, now turned toward him as though they were listening. That was all The Doctor needed. He reached into his pocket, pulling out his sonic screwdriver, and waved it somewhat tantalisingly in the air. "Those controls aren't the only thing that can move the TARDIS, you know." He flipped it in the air, catching it again. "Materialised her to me. Impressive, right?" He flashed a grin to his stone audience who, of course, didn't move an inch. "Tough crowd..." The Doctor mumbled, feigning offence before returning the screwdriver to his pocket. Clapping his hands together sharply, he continued.

"Anyway! To the main order of business," The Doctor walked forward cautiously, all while retaining a face of calm and confidence. "You want to take my ship. Did you really think I was going to just give it to you?" He shook his head condescendingly. "And besides, that time-juice in here you're craving? It's nothing compared to what's inside me." The Doctor stopped, holding out his arms. "Nine-hundred and six years of life, all right here. Millions of timelines, realities, universes. I've seen things you would never believe. Worlds beyond comprehension, teeming with life. I've seen the end of civilisations, I even saw the end of mine. All that lost potential, dreams that never came to be. All in here." He pointed to his head. "Bet your mouths are watering just thinking about it, eh?" The Doctor stared unrelentingly at the angels, anger barely hidden behind his witty façade. "All I can say is...well done. You almost managed to trap me. Element of surprise, and all that. But you made one fatal mistake. You lot always do." He strode up to the nearest angel, squaring his shoulders in order to make himself look taller, and with a look of deadly seriousness upon his face.

"You messed with people I care about." The Doctor's voice wasn't raised, it was low and harsh, making it all the more intimidating. "And of course, I'm sure you know what happens next. I gather you've heard the stories." If the angels could move, it would be at this point that they lunged for The Doctor, murder in their eyes. But it was The Doctor's unwavering ones that held them in place, preventing any chance of movement.

"Sam? If you could do the honours," The Doctor called out, turning his head slightly to the side, but not letting the angels out of his sight. Sam and Castiel raised their heads from where they were hidden behind the centre panel. Sam did as he was told, reaching up a hand and firmly pulling down a lever above him. Almost immediately the TARDIS began to whine and shake, the lights flickering slightly. "Hold on to something!" The Doctor called out above the din, causing Sam and Cas to hurriedly grasp onto the railing behind them. "Oh! And one more teensy lesson before you go," The Doctor addressed his adversaries as he held out a hand at arms-length, and placed his thumb and middle finger together. A smirk made its way across his face, quirking at his lips.

"Never catch me when I'm monologing." The world seemed to go silent as he clicked his fingers. The TARDIS doors swung open, and the sight before them would stay in Sam's mind forever. A dark, swirling mass of nothingness, lit up by streaks of brilliant fire-like orange. It looked almost like a never-ending tunnel, swallowing up all life, even time seemed to have no meaning out there. A moment later, a strong wind began to howl, sucking the air out of the TARDIS. The Doctor hastily grabbed onto the railing next to him as the unrelenting force pulled at them, causing their feet to fly out from underneath them. It was as if the blackness was pulling them in, wanting nothing more than to swallow them whole. It was then that the stone angels began to teeter. As the wind grew stronger, one by one, they fell. Their hands clawed desperately at the air as they were thrown violently out of the TARDIS, into the void. The final angel smashed against the side of the door on its way out, an arm breaking from its body before it was swallowed up by the darkness.

"Sam..." Sam looked beside him and saw Castiel gritting his teeth as he struggled to hold on to the metal railing. He glanced at Sam, fear written across his face before his fingers gave out and he began to fall.

"Cas!" Sam desperately flung out an arm, and Castiel grabbed hold of it as he fell closer to the angry hole of blackness and fire. "I've got you." He gasped before yelling out again. "Doctor, hurry!" Sam screamed, half out of desperation and half due to the pain and awkward angle of his arm holding Cas' weight, making it feel like it was breaking. The Doctor held out his hand again, holding on tight with the other, and clicked his fingers again. At once, the TARDIS doors swung shut, the wind ceased, and all three of them fell painfully to the ground. There was silence, then, broken only by sharp gasps as they struggled to catch their breath.

"Ow..." The Doctor whined before slowly getting to his feet. Sam and Cas did the same, wincing slightly.

"What...was that? Out there," Sam asked, holding his aching shoulder.

"The time vortex." The Doctor raised his hands, attempting to get his messy brown hair under control. "It's what I travel through, though no one's meant to go out there. Those angels won't be bothering anyone for quite some time, I'd say." Castiel closed his eyes and took a shaky breath, clearly relieved. Sam's eyebrows were furrowed, something still bothering him.

"How...how did you know that was going to work?" The Doctor flushed, and scratched the back of his head sheepishly.



"I didn't. 

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