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The boys' journey through the hallway to the rest of the house was abruptly disrupted by the all too familiar sound (to them, anyway) that could only signify The Doctor's reappearance. A breeze rushed through the hall, ruffling their hair.

"Oh, for crying out loud..." Dean sounded exasperated as he looked behind them at the door.

"Did someone leave the door open?" Jodie's voice called back.

Turning to Sam and Cas, he pointed a finger seriously at them. "Stall." He commanded before turning on his heel and marching back out of the house. Outside, Dean rolled his eyes at the Police Box that now sat at the corner of the street. Striding up to it, he waited until The Doctor had hardly taken one step out before grabbing him by the tie, causing him to yelp in surprise.

"Dean, what...?"

"What are you doing??" Dean hissed. "Do you have any idea how indiscreet you are being? I don't know if its occurred to you, but you can't always just appear out of thin air with a nice coat and puppy-dog eyes, and expect people to be fine with that!" He finished in a hushed yell. The Doctor lowered his gaze, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think-"

"No, you didn't. You know what," Dean rubbed at the bridge of his nose in frustration. "Just follow me, and don't say anything weird. Got it?" The Doctor nodded sheepishly. "Good." Dean took a deep breath before turning towards the house again, with The Doctor scurrying at his heels. They followed the sound of soft conversation down the hallway to the living room, where Sam and Castiel sat opposite Claire, who had her legs draped over the arm of the lounge, staring intensely at her phone. Another girl, who looked to be a similar age to Claire with black hair and olive skin waved at them cheerily from the kitchen counter.

"Hey, Dean. You've got yourself another trench-coated friend, I see. How many of those can one guy get?"

"How's it going, Alex?" Dean ignored her jab at him.

"Another...huh?" Jodie stuck her head out of the kitchen. "Oh? Who's this?" She smiled warmly at The Doctor, who grinned shyly back. He responded before Dean could, pulling his hand out of his pocket and holding it out.

"Hi! I'm The Doc-argh!" Dean stepped on his foot. "Smith. John Smith. Nice to meet you," he said in a just-passable American accent. He pulled his hand back to run it through his hair, giving Dean a murderous look. Jodie stared for a moment before she reanimated.

"Well, you're a friend of Sam and Dean, you're in my good book." She gestured to the couch as she walked back to the kitchen. "Come sit, I've got pie in the oven." Dean sniffed the air eagerly as he and The Doctor took their seats.

"Keep it in your pants, Dean." Claire smirked, not looking up from her phone.

"Watch it." Dean growled menacingly, but his reaction seemed only to make her more satisfied.

"So, John." Jodie re-emerged from the kitchen, wiping her hands on her jeans. It took a moment for The Doctor to react, as if he had for a second forgotten his own alias. "You in the business, too?"

"The...business?" He cocked his head to one side.

"Hunting." Jodie's eyes drilled into his, as if she was examining his brain. The Doctor shifted slightly next to Dean.

"Oh, no. I'm...uhh..." He faltered, and Dean jumped forward.

"He's a scientist. Real numbers guy." The Doctor looked down at his lap and twiddled his fingers.

"Cool. What field?" Claire expressed her interest, face still half hidden behind her mobile phone.

"A...bit of everything, really." The Doctor mumbled vaguely. He was clearly more withdrawn now that he was thrust out of his comfort zone, normally being able to freely ramble out ideas and opinions. The Doctor thought absently if this is how he would be if he was human. Introverted, shy even, quietly observing the world as it moved around him.

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