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"CAS! GET DOWN! Sam yelled as a final crash sent him stumbling into the room. Castiel's eyes flew open and he did what he was told, slipping roughly out of his coat and dropping to the floor, burying his head in his arms. It was then that Cas expected to hear a horrible scream, or see a flash of white light before finding himself in a strange new place, lost again, but this time forever. His body tensed, waiting. But instead, all he heard was Sam.

"Cas, It's okay. You can get up now. Look, Cas!" He felt Sam's hand grab his shoulder and shake it roughly. Castiel slowly raised his head, as if he had just survived a bomb blast. The angel was still there, holding his coat without him in it. Still breathing shallowly in fear, he began to hurriedly scramble backwards on his hands and feet. Anything to get away from the horror in front of him, but Sam pulled him to his feet. "No, Cas, it's okay. Look!" He did, and then he understood. Behind where Castiel had been standing, hung a small mirror. When he had escaped, it left the stone angel staring into it. Somehow, it looked even angrier than before, but despite this, Cas felt his fear slowly fading.

"The mirror," Cas sounded dumbfounded. Sam exhaled sharply.

"It's looking at itself. It can't move anymore." Castiel closed his eyes and let out a deep breath, as if for the past while he had been holding it in. Reaching a hand up to his face, he felt the wetness on his cheeks and hastily wiped it away, blushing profusely. He didn't want Sam to think he was weak. Though he felt Sam already knew and understood, as he clapped a hand on Castiel's shoulder.

"It's okay now, Cas. We're okay." He nodded silently before his urgency returned.

"And Dean?" he asked worriedly.

"I heard him crawl away after you distracted it," Sam explained, gesturing to the stone figure. "He'll be okay, soon we won't be locked in here anymore. But first we need to get back to The Doctor," Sam grabbed Castiel's wrist and began to tug him out of the room and down the corridor, back the way they had come. "I left him in the basement with one of those things. We gotta hurry." Castiel nodded as they quickened their pace, jogging down the hallway. He looked down at Dean's slightly crinkled jacket, still bundled up in his arms. Dean did tell his to protect it with his life, after all. He held it tighter to his chest as he ran, only hoping that in these few short moments, he would have enough time to recollect his racing thoughts.


"You sure are a talkative one, aren't you?" The Doctor sat facing the second weeping angel, legs stretched out in front of him and crossed over themselves. If someone else were to see him, they might have even said he looked relaxed. Strangely enough this was also the truth, as The Doctor had a plan. He certainly didn't expect the statue to talk back to him, so he let slip a small smile before he continued. "You're probably wondering why I'm not running, or shaking in fear. Cause that's what you want, don't you? You like to play with your food before you eat it." The Doctor's anger was masked by a thin layer of witty sarcasm, which made him all the more terrifying to his enemies. "I'm not going to give you the satisfaction. In fact," The Doctor stood up slowly, keeping his eyes fixed on the angel, not permitting it to move an inch. "I'm gonna give you something better." He jerked his head sharply toward the door.

"That little blue box out there? It's full to the brim with time energy, more than enough for you and your kind to feed on for millennia. Everything that could have been, all that ever was and will be. It's all there for you to gorge on. Just think of it," The Doctor began to slowly pace the room, a force of habit to help him focus, though his eyes didn't move from their position. "All those lost memories, unfulfilled prophecies, broken dreams. It's an all-you-can-eat in there. And oh, look!" The Doctor badly feigned surprise, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his small silver key. "Looks as though I forgot to lock the darn thing. Now why don't you go and take her for a spin?" He strode fearlessly up to the angel and clapped a hand to its stone shoulder, like a father gifting his son a car on the night of his first prom. Then, with a sneaky grin, The Doctor blinked. His hand hovered over empty air, where the angel had just been. He dropped his arm as voices and hurried feet could be heard travelling down the corridor. Sam and Castiel rounded the corner and came into view, breathing quickly and with nervous expressions on their faces.

"Doctor, you're okay." Sam sighed with relief. "Where's the other one? How did you-?" The Doctor smiled mysteriously.

"Just had a friendly chat is all," He turned to Castiel patting him a little too hard on the back, making him jump in alarm. "Good to see you're okay, Cassie." Castiel's eyebrows furrowed.


"Anyway," The Doctor cut in before anyone could protest to his strange mood. "The angels are going to try and take my TARDIS. Which of course, I wouldn't let anyone do over my dead body. Which is rare, for me." A small chuckle escaped his lips, causing Sam to exchange a quizzical look with Castiel. "So, this is what's going to happen." The Doctor pulled out his sonic screwdriver and flicking it end over end in the air before catching it lazily again with one hand.

"Now I need you two to listen very closely..."


Dean gasped as he fell forward onto muddy ground. His shoulder ached dully from when he just used it to ram open the metal grate covering the exit to the vent. Rolling over, he lay there for a moment and closed his eyes, feeling the cold wind and rain on his face before slowly getting to his feet. He winced slightly as he stretched out his cramping arms and legs. He had made it. His silent celebration, however, was abruptly cut off by a sharp ring and a vibration against his thigh. His phone. Dean felt awkwardly in his pockets before extracting it, slightly damp from a mixture of rain and sweat. He answered it breathlessly.


"Dean?" The girl's voice on the end of the line was soft and timid. "It's Patience. I know its late, but I didn't know who else to-"

"Patience?" Dean cut her off in surprise. "Listen, I'm a bit, uh...busy...with something at the moment. I'll call you back, okay? He anxiously scanned the surfaces of the outside of the bunker for some sort of panel that might contain the controls to overriding the lockdown. He had to do this, fast. He thought of Sam and Cas trapped down there with those...things, and his stomach flipped. The image of that horrible, clawed hand grabbing his foot hadn't yet left his mind. The other end of the phone was silent for a moment.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but you know I wouldn't call if it wasn't important." Patience said, her tone almost pleading, and Dean could tell something was wrong.

"Alright, alright. Just keep talking to me while I do this." His fingers trailed across a plate of smooth metal on the wall. He knocked on it with one fist. Patience sounded awkward.

"Well...I had this dream. And after last time, I guess I'm scared. Claire thinks I'm overreacting, but I have this feeling I just can't shake." Dean rummaged in his pockets again. He knew from his experiences with Sam many years ago that dreams weren't always just dreams. He pulled out a lockpick and began to work on the small keyhole, tilting his head to the side to keep the phone to his ear while his two hands were occupied.

"Go on, I'm listening."

"Okay. Well, I think you and Sam should come over. It's...it's about Jodie." Dean paused then, his head perking up and almost dropping his phone.

"Jodie? She's okay, right?"

"She's fine. I mean, I dreamt about her. Like, dreamt...about her. You know what I mean." Dean hummed in agreement.

"Yeah, I do. Listen, Patience. I wouldn't stress too much about it tonight, alright? Just keep it together, and we'll be there first thing in the morning." Patience audibly sighed in relief.

"Thank you, Dean." A small click could be heard from the lock as the metal panel swung open, and a small yes! sounded within Dean's head. He straightened up to finish the call.

"Don't mention it. Anyway, I really have to go now, so stay safe and I'll be in touch."

"Got it." Patience's tone held slightly more confidence, as if Dean had given her some through the phone. "Be safe, whatever it is you're doing." Dean chuckled under his breath before ending the call.

"Always am."

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