First Energon

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Near the mountains...

From his vantage point, Barricade could see the dust kicked up by Soundwave and Ironhide's vehicle modes in the valley below. Barricade narrowed his quadruple optics in befuddlement. That Autobot was willingly following Soundwave and according to Soundwave he'd surrendered his cannons without a single shot from either one. All to preserve the lives of two insignificant, human flesh-bags? It didn't make sense. Why would that old slaggard surrender for such a stupid reason? He was going to get off-lined just to save them. Barricade could perhaps understand if the old Autobot was risking his aft for another Autobot, but for two puny flesh creatures? It was insane! It was ridiculous! Then again, maybe the rust bucket was just as mad as the rumors made him out to be.

Unhurried, Barricade transformed into his cop car mode and trailed the two, waiting for the signal from Starscream. He just couldn't believe a plan conceived by that power-hungry Seeker was actually working. However, the plan was only half complete. Actually taking Ironhide down would prove difficult, cannons or not.


On a mountain peak...

Starscream sat on the crest of a mountain, surveying the rolling landscape before him. His mind boggled at the vast quantities of energy resources this organic mud-ball had to offer. When he finished with the Autobots on this planet, he'd siphon all the energy the Earth contained and head back to Cybertron with his troops, where his reign over the Decepticon forces would allow him to conquer the known universe. Megatron's name would pale next to his, a forgotten relic taken down by the puny flesh creatures. While he, Starscream, would have dominion over all he surveyed, striking fear into his enemies at the very mention of his name.

The jet mech smiled to himself. "Yes, yes I like the idea of that. Starscream...the terrifying Ruler of the Universe."

Perhaps when he ruled the universe he could have a nice metal planet constructed for himself, filled with minions and femmes.

His fantasizing processors were cut off, "Barricade to Starscream. I see Soundwave and he's leading the Autobot, Ironhide. They can't be more than fifteen kilometers from the attack zone."

Narrowing his optic shutters Starscream acknowledged the update, "Very good Barricade." In mere milliseconds he relayed his attack plan to the scout and then fed his other orders to the other Decepticons.

He focused on Thundercracker's signal a moment. "Thundercracker, you will bring the humans to the following coordinates. Make sure that Autobot gets a good look at them. I want him to know I have the advantage." he commanded.

"Acknowledged," Thundercracker replied with no amount of excitement.

Starscream's voice lowered, "And when I order it, you will get rid of them."

Gracefully, the jet leaped off the mountain and ignited his thrusters, soaring off into the sky. Events were falling into place just as he had planned.


Something was happening, Sara could almost sense it. Thundercracker was sitting perfectly still, staring off into the distance as if he were listening for something. Noticing the Decepticon's brief preoccupation, Sara discretely stuffed a rock into the band of her jeans and covered it with her shirt.

After a moment or two, Thundercracker leaned forward and rose up to his full impressive height.

He mimicked Starscream in a derogatory voice,"'Bring the humans.' he says. Stupid, pompous scrap head. What do I look like? A prisoner transport vessel?"

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