First Steps

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A couple weeks after the raccoon extermination...

In the weeks that followed, Ironhide kept to himself, remaining watchful of the Lennox family from afar. He just wasn't sure how to proceed with these humans. They were so delicate and easily startled he didn't want to cause them any further grief. Perhaps avoidance was the answer to successfully guarding humans? He kept his distance from them, a silent, but alert sentry. It seemed to be working until the day Annabelle started walking.

The Lennox's were out in their front yard on a warm sunny day with Annabelle. Ironhide was standing guard as he always was in the driveway nearby, continually scanning the horizon for any potential attack. Had he been human, Ironhide probably would've developed a hefty collection of ulcers being constantly alert. But Autobots could be alert without stress for as long as their energy was charged. He paid particular attention to the sound of jet planes overhead. That fraggin' Starscream wasn't going to catch HIM off guard.

Sara's excited voice caught his attention. "Oh look! I think she's going to do it again," she said pointing a video camera at her daughter.

Annabelle was propping herself on all fours, seeming ready to practice her walking outside. The Captain gently held out his hands which she readily used to pull herself upright. Planting her tiny feet she wobbly righted her body, clenching her fists.

Ironhide watched with unexpected fascination as the little human took a few tentative steps before plopping down on her diapered bottom.

"Oops! Try again Annie." Will encouraged, helping his little girl up.

Sticking out her tongue and then giggling, the toddler tried again, taking four steps this time before toppling.

Both parents clapped, gasping with high voices, "Very good Annie! Keep trying."

This went on for almost fifteen minutes until at last Annie was toddling with much more confidence. Ironhide tipped his crested head curiously. It was a rather primitive start but with more exercise the muscles in Annabelle's legs would develop properly.

Captain Lennox turned his head, noting the intent stare Ironhide was giving to his daughter's first steps. He smiled. Ironhide suddenly noticed Lennox's stare and quickly averted his optics, grunting quietly.

The deep noise caught Annabelle's attention and she directed her awkward walk towards the driveway.

Sara lowered the camera slightly, "Come back, Annie."

But the toddler didn't listen. Briefly she stopped at the gate, using the newly built fence post to steady herself. She was looking toward Ironhide's intricate foot.

The mother's voice tensed a bit, "Annie, stay in the yard." She took a step as if to retrieve her daughter when Will took her arm gently.

He said in a hushed voice, "It's alright Sara. Let her meet him."

Worry still filled the woman's eyes but she didn't intervene.

Ironhide wasn't yet aware of Annabelle's close proximity until Will said, "She's coming to you Ironhide."

The big black Autobot abruptly looked down with a startled jolt upon seeing the tiny girl starting a tedious path toward him. He cautiously took a step backward.

"Captain Lennox..." his voice was tense.

The man grinned, "It's alright Ironhide. She just wants to meet you."

For a moment Ironhide didn't want to say what he was thinking, but the toddler was getting closer to him. He took another step backward. The slight tremor it caused made Annie wobble dangerously, but she corrected.

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