No Heart

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Several months later...

Eventually Annabelle's mispronunciation of Ironhide's name dissipated when she reached the age of two and a half, much to the Autobot's relief. But she certainly didn't slow down physically. The young girl was pure energy packaged in a fleshy shell. She ran everywhere and even tested her climbing skills. Her climbing unnerved Ironhide because most of the time he was the target...and the thought of her falling... Much to his relief his metal was too slick for her to get anywhere past the tops of his feet. But she kept trying to find a way higher up. This generally provoked the huge Autobot to pick her up and place her on the ground...which she ardently loved.

For the longest time Ironhide avoided picking up Annabelle. Humans in general got very agitated when picked up. Ironhide was sure it was because they weren't used to feeling small and it scared them. He certainly didn't want to scare Annabelle and above all he didn't want to hurt her. However, Annabelle was enthralled with the simple action of being lifted up to such a lofty height. She would often beg the Autobot veteran to pick her up. At first Ironhide would come up with an excuse to put her off, but her pestering became too much and he eventually complied. Inadvertently, the simple action strengthened the trust between them. Something...Ironhide hadn't expected.

One afternoon when Ironhide was making his rounds across the Lennox property with little Annabelle riding in his hand a familiar beeping caught the Autobot's attention. He knew the beep well...and he had no intention of answering it right away. The beeping continued until the fifth time.

He paused in his tracks, internally speaking through his communicator, "Ironhide here."

"Ironhide, I wish you'd stop being such a stubborn old slaggard and answer your communicator!" Ratchet's impatient voice complained.

Noticing Annabelle's questioning stare at his sudden pause, Ironhide continued his walk as if he weren't doing anything. She couldn't hear the conversation anyway.

His voice grumbled back, "I know it's you, Ratchet. Why should I hurry just because it's you?"

The medic's normally calm voice was terse, "Because you're overdue for your routine maintenance exam. I need you to report to the following coordinates right away."

Ironhide snorted disdainfully, "I can run my OWN maintenance."

"Oh yeah," Ratchet imitated the gruff veteran "Yep, this cannon turns. Oh, and this one beeps! I'm good."

The black Autobot growled deeply and almost shut off his communicator.

Ratchet's voice became threatening, "Ironhide, don't make me report this to Optimus."

"FINE," Ironhide relented, not wanting to drag Optimus into a debate over his maintenance exam.

His voice mistakenly became laced with concern, "But... I don't want to leave the Lennox's unguarded."

Ratchet chuckled lightly on the other end.

"What's so funny?" Ironhide demanded.

The medic's voice softened, "Nothing, Ironhide. It's good to hear you care about them."

Ironhide groused under his breath. For being a supposed "kind-sparked medic", Ratchet knew exactly how to get under his plating.

"You may bring the Lennox's with you if you wish." Ratchet offered. "I would very much like to meet the Captain's family."

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