Chapter 4 - Happy accidents

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Sipping water and nibbling on crackers.  That's not how this should go.  I should be dancing and singing from the side stage, beaming with pride as my boyfriend plays the drums and makes everyone scream their hearts out.  Instead, I am huddled on a cold hard chair trying not to throw up again.  I am very much in denial of what my body is  trying to tell me.  No way could this have happened.  We have been careful and I have been on the pill since i was barely a teen.  Once, OK maybe twice we had unprotected sex. 

I knew better but when your drunk and your in the heat of the moment you can sometimes forget.  Besides, Emerson's the man I want to marry and would it be so bad...End that thought right there.  I can feel my tears welling up again and try desperately to hide my face in my long dark hair.  

"  Hey.  You OK? "    Cool strong hands, Rem's hands. 

"  Yeah. Not feeling well. "   Looking up I force a weak smile. 

He's  too good to me, they all are.  It wasn't like that at first.  I had to prove to both Sebastian and Remington that I was not just into their brother for clout or money and once they realized that I truly was in love with Em they both started to treat me like a sister.  Being an only child I loved feeling like i had brothers to look out for me. 

"  If you need anything just shout. "    He said as he hugged her. 

"  Don't worry about me.  I'm good, just a little tired. "  

Who was I kidding.  I was exhausted and feeling sad again.  I also needed to check my blood sugar levels.  Now do you understand why I am scared to death about being pregnant.  From the very first time my mother took me to get my pills the doctor had warned me that being a diabetic and having babies were something he strongly advised against.  I also have a bad ticker, having had heart surgery as a child and being prone to high blood pressure were two strikes against me.  If any of you have seen the movie Steel Magnolias then you can imagine how it could go.  I am no Shelby though and I have this strange fear of babies and kids in general, as if just being near a child would kill me on the spot.

"  You should have stayed home. "   Rem kisses the top of her head before vanishing into the mingling crowd. 

How will I ever tell them?   I can't .  Not until I know for sure and I won't know until I go see  doctor or take a test.  I guess the test will be first and then the doctor.  Even then I have no idea how I would tell Em.  He thinks he would be a horrible father and role model. It was something that had bonded us,  the whole we don't want kids thing.  We want to travel and create art and I think I feel sick again. 

Emerson comes from the crowd, smiling and sweaty.  He pulls me up to kiss me before he pulls me along to the food table.  I grab another water with no intention of drinking it as my stomach rolls.  His arm is around my shoulder and my head falls to his chest for a moment, content to just be near him. 

"  I'm sorry about earlier. "   He whispers before letting go. 

"  Me too.  "    I really need to head back to the bathroom. 

When he gets into a conversation with a bunch of fans I slip away to the bathroom. I end up taking an Uber home where I can take a hot shower and fall into bed.  It's late when I hear the door open and feel Emerson slip into bed next to me.  He pulls me close, kissing my neck.  I know where this is going and honestly I don't mind it.  His hands are moving to places that he knows will get me purring.  Sleep leaves me as my body responds to his touch. I kiss him softly and whisper into his ear.

"  I love you. "   

"  I love you too. Forgive me. "    His lips trail down my throat, making me gasp. 

"   Always. "   I trail my nails down over his back. 

We make love like it's going to be the last time and I fall asleep in his arms but right before I do I whisper into his ear.  "  Your going to be a great father. "   I close my eyes with a smile on my face. He had to have seen the pregnancy test I left on the counter.  I thought that I was pretty cleaver in doing so and hopefully we can go see the doctor together in the coming days.  Everything was going to be fine.  I just had to keep  telling myself that.

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