Chapter 2 - The dream

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" Babe.  Wake up. Your having that dream again. "  

Willow smiled and curled herself into Emerson's chest.  All she ever remembered was how sad she felt after one of  those bad dreams. She linked her hand in his and opened her big blue eyes. He bent to kiss her nose and she smiled sleepily up at him. 

" What did you dream about this time? "   He snuggled around her, still sleepy himself.

"  It's always the same...."   She kissed his knuckles.  But this time it had not been the same. There had been something very different about this one.  It was something she wouldn't quite be able to shake even after waking up and beginning her day. 

"  Promise me you won't leave me. "   She stared up into his troubled eyes. 

"  Does it look like I am going anywhere? "   He kissed her nose. 

It didn't work.  Willow knew the look on his face.  Had been feeling afraid for no reason for a while now.  He tried to hide it from her but she could almost hear his thoughts.  She and his family were the only things holding him together at the moment. 

"  Promise me. "   She felt like crying. 

"  Don't.  I said I was not going anywhere so stop. "   He pulled away from her, swinging his legs out from under the covers.  His hands tangled into his long dark hair as he hung his head, eyes on the floor. 

"  I'm sorry. "    She reached out to touch his back but he was already getting up.  padding softly into the bathroom.

Feeling bad she swung her own legs out from under the blankets and felt the room tip. She placed her hands on either side of her to stop the spinning.  She hated how easily she got vertigo.  She listened to the water run in the sink while she waited for her head to clear. She pulled on her robe and padded silently out of the room.  Going down the hall she found Rem at the kitchen table eating cereal and watching cartoons.  He lifted a hand  to her as she went to the coffee pot to pour herself a cup. 

"  Good morning. "   Rem said in greeting. 

"  Is it? "   Willow sipped her coffee.  The dream came back to her making her feel sad. 

"  What's wrong with you?  Have another fight with Em? " 

"   It's nothing. "   She shook her head and sat down at the table to look at the paper.  It actually felt pretty normal to hang out at their house since it was the place she spent most of her time. She had certainly never thought she would be dating the drummer of her favorite band and still had to pinch herself sometimes. 

"  It's always nothing. "   Standing up, Rem took his bowl to the sink.

" What's nothing? "   Em asked from the kitchen doorway. 

"  You are. "   Chuckled Rem. 

"  Do you want coffee? "   Willow interjected with a forced grin. 

"  No thanks. "   Emerson went the seat that Rem had been in.   "  You feel OK?  You look pale. " 

"  I am just tired. "   Willow waited for Rem to say something funny but he was gone.

"  Maybe you should stay home tonight.  Get some sleep. "  

" And leave you alone with the sharks? "   Willow smiled over the lip of her cup at him.

"  They all want Rem..."    He looked troubled as he stood up, coming around to wrap his arms around her small waist and rested his chin on the top of her head.

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