(It's just the fact that she's not Lucy. That will have some people rioting.)

She tries not to worry about what Lauren's fans will think; after all, she's still kind of one of them, even if she's painfully behind on Silverhollow; she still hasn't seen the final three episodes of season three. Incidentally, the final three in which Lauren will appear.

She had gone on Twitter, and anything that had the fans could've pointed out about the nature of her relationship with Lauren had been ignored in favour of the outcry at the final two episodes. The episode in which Lauren was attacked had insane reactions, most people freaking out and crying and talking about how they're never watching the show again if she was dead. The final episode, however, had been an obvious rollercoaster of emotions. When it was revealed that Vanessa was alive, the fans rejoiced, some of them laughing at the more dramatic reactions of the fans from the last episode, saying how they'd never kill Vanessa, since she's arguably the most popular character. But the mood had quickly changed when Vanessa announced she was leaving town, and the breakup with Emilia elicited a mixture of depression and rage.

Lauren hadn't spoken to her about it; in fact, for the last few weeks, it's like she's forgotten that Silverhollow had ever existed. She'd barely been on Twitter, but Lauren had never really been a big Twitter fan. She'd posted a tweet thanking the fans for their support and saying goodbye to the show, as well as an unseen selfie of Lucy, Keana, Vero and herself on set, Lauren covered in fake blood, with a heartfelt caption about how she'll miss the show but she won't be returning for season four.

"You're flying home in like two days, right?"

Lauren's voice snaps her out of her thoughts, and she blinks in surprise as the question finally registers. "Oh! Yeah. Friday night."

Lauren pouts. "I don't want you to go. You'll literally be three thousand miles away from me."

"Until literally less than twenty-four hours after my flight, when you're flying back to Miami yourself," Camila laughs, but inwardly, she's pretty much jumping for joy at Lauren's words. "Don't worry, we can coordinate our Christmas flights."

Lauren lets out an over-exaggerated groan of annoyance, and even though she's never met her, she does a damn good impression of Camila's little sister when she's upset as she pouts and says an annoyed, "fine."

"If you want, I could meet you at the airport?" Camila offers, and she's a little offended when Lauren shakes her head. "Um, why the hell not? Don't you want to see the girlfriend you were complaining about missing?"

"No, no, I do, but a lot of the time fans somehow figure out what flight I'm on for things and they come and harass me," Lauren says, and Camila's stomach drops in guilt on behalf of the fandom. There was one particular day that had broken Camila's heart; Lauren, Lucy, and a few other cast members had flown to Comic-Con the year before and been mobbed at the airport. The fans had particularly crowded Lauren, and pictures came out of her literally having a panic attack while surrounded by a hoard of fans asking for pictures and autographs.

"I just don't want to put you through that," Lauren says, snapping Camila out of the memory, "it's not nice."

"Alright, but..." Camila frowns in thought, and drops Lauren's hand for a moment so she can pull her phone from her pocket. She quickly texts Lauren her parents' address in Miami. "I just sent you my address. Feel free to show up whenever you miss me."

Lauren smiles at her in that soft, reserved kind of way that makes Camila's heart melt. "I guess I'll be ringing the doorbell every five seconds, then."

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