"Do you think you can do my eye make-up to make my eyes brighter?" I ask, her head nodding. She moves a brush over my eyelid and places mascara on my lashes. Every aspect of my make-up is natural and my eyes look much bluer.

"Are you going to wear the boob dress or the long one?" she laughs, my hand shoving her shoulder.

"The long one," I say, the boob dress cutting down the front to show my chest. I need to look appropriate for my sake, and for Harry's.

The dress shows off my back and Grace helps me form it to my body. Once on, I remove my bra and step into my heels. Grace smiles and tells me I look amazing, my lips curving.

"Thank you."

We take her car to the hall, not realizing I'm almost an hour late. Great, Harry probably left.

"Go get him, tiger," Grace smiles, my lips curving. I thank her and I step out of the car, taking a deep breath before entering the building.

Harry POV

"Get me a jack and coke," I say, my inability to pinch the bridge of my nose frustrating for this mask suctions to my face.

"Just relax, mate. She'll be here," Ed says, patting my shoulder.

I'm miserable. The pure anger I have for nearly punching a man I knew was her friend was all my fault. I'm an idiot and it drove my beautiful girl to leave me. Well, stay absent for a week.

"I want to see her. And if she doesn't come, I'm going to start throwing things," I say, retrieving my drink and leaning against the wood.

"It's only eight. She's an hour late but all girls ar-" I cut him off.

"Don't compare Reagan to other girls. She would never be late," I grit, taking a swig of my drink. It's nearly half gone but my alcohol intake can go on for a while without getting drunk.

The music in the gala changes to something more intense, the slow flow of sounds one that sound dramatic. It's mind boggling.

"This Reagan girl... Does she have blonde hair?" Ed asks, my head nodding.

Various sounds start to be heard amongst the people, my fingers tightening around the glass. This event is so boring and I couldn't care less about what's going on.

"Who is that?"

"Who is she wearing?"

"Where did she come from?"

A hand swats my shoulder and I look up at Ed, meeting his gaze. The woman at the top of the stairs is talking to a worker, handing her jacket to the woman with a smile. I recognize her in seconds.

"Reagan," I breathe, pushing my glass onto the counter and walking towards her. My arm is pulled back by Ed and I struggle, his hand staying on me.

"Just watch her," he says, my eyes not straying from my girl. She walks with finesse down the long stairs, everyone watching her as the music plays.

"I need to see her," I say, Ed shaking his head.

"Take your time," he warns, my eyes unable to peel away from her.

She's found Christine to talk to and I take my drink again. The cool drink runs down my throat and I admire her from afar. She's dressed completely conservative (hopefully for my sake) and her beautifully tan back is covered by her hair. The curls fall behind her perfectly and her skinny body moves wonderfully. She needs to eat more.

"You chose well, mate," Ed says, my head nodding.

"I know. Now do you understand why I didn't want her working for Greystone anymore?" I say, his head nodding.

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