epiphany | 10

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this time she was at the bar with just Dylan and Ju.
'I believe those ladies require my attention.'
Dylan had said with a mock bow before making his way over to the table filled with girls who had been watching him ever since he got there,
giggling among themselves.

'I love him, but he's a man whore'
ju said with a chuckle before taking a sip of his drink.
'I've had to sleep over at Wen's twice this week because he had brought home girls'

'well maybe if you got in on the action it wouldn't seem so bad.'
even in the dim lighting she could see him scrunch up his face
'ew, no'
he let out a fake shudder which caused her to
throw her head back and give out a hearty laugh at his theatrics.

he joined her just because her laugh was infectious.

before he sobered up.
'besides, those girls aren't my type.'
he said looking everywhere but at her.

she nudged him,
'yeah, how come you never talk about girls. I mean, Dylan is Dylan...'
she waved a hand in his general direction with a chuckle.

'and Arjun probably thinks he'd burst into flames of eternal damnation if he so much as makes eye contact with the opposite sex'
'Wen has his little computer geek girlfriend, and they're completely adorable.
how they share video game cheat codes and what not.'

'So what about you?'
she finished, taking a sip of her drink and leaning over to rest her chin on her palms.
'what's your story?'

he felt trapped by her gaze.
he licked his lips and glanced away to compose himself before resuming eye contact.

'i guess i'm waiting for her to notice me.'
he said finally.

she proceeded to coo and ramble about how adorable young love was.
'she'll be the luckiest girl in the world.'
she said,
he was about to reply when he watched as her ears seemed to perk up at the sound of a particular guitar.
he had been coming here with her long enough to know who it was.

it was him

he knew she'd be lost to him for the span of his performance,
and it caused pure, raw jealousy to rear it's ugly head.

he didn't want to share her attention with anyone else.
sometimes he even found himself snapping at the boys when they'd hog her attention too much.

he didn't have to google anything to recognize the signs.

he was as in love with her as she was with the man on stage.

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