disruption | 4

347 24 17

even though they were absolutely boring, and very mediocre.
Iris loved routines,
so when in her psych class a guy she had never noticed before sat beside her and started up a conversation,

she did not know how to handle it.

at first she gave short clipped answers, because he probably had the wrong seat anyways.
but this continued for all of two weeks.
he'd sit beside her and he'd talk until the professor comes, then after class he'd smile and say
'see ya later'
in that weird preppy voice that made her feel like they were friends.

after almost three weeks of having him sit beside her in all her classes, she had begun to realize he was semi-permanent.
and he wanted to be friends with her, almost four months since she started college and...
she finally made a friend.

about around week three, she stopped being guarded and robotic and they finally exchanged names,
'i'm Iris by the way'
'I know, i'm Julian'
he had said he was wondering how long it'd take her to ask him his name.
and she had laughed.
they talked about the most random things in class.

'I will not be caught dead listening to kpop.' she had said one particular wednesday morning in psych class.
his mouth had flopped open and closed a few times before he had finally forced out a few words,
'why!' he croaked.

Julian was passionate about some very weird things, and this was one of them.
'well for one it's a dark industry, the groups are forced to eat, dress do everything a certain way and some of them have to get plastic surgery if their managers or label tells them to...'
she was cut of in her rant by a hearty laugh,
'this is not funny Julian,'
she had folded her arms and given him a hard stare.

he had reached over and tugged on one of her frizzy curls,
'I knew you were passionate about something, I just figured out it was about people'
she was dumbfounded...
this was obviously a stupid test of some sort,
and apparently she passed.

she watched the brown face of the black-asian across from her, his face was almost split in half by his grin and his eyes were basically closed.

this boy had unceremoniously plopped himself into her life,
forced her out of her little shell

(by shaking it until she had no choice but to come out)

and completely flipped her routined college experience around.
successfully disrupting the order of her life,

she obviously did not see this coming, otherwise she would have avoided it like the plague...

but it was a disruption she welcomed.

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